Friday, September 20, 2024 - 12:25 pm

Article 8

I ask: Are the sovereignty and independence of Spain guaranteed (at this moment)? Are its territorial integrity and constitutional order also guaranteed? Our supreme text, our Basic Lawis composed of 169 articles, to which are added four supplementary provisions, nine transitional and one repealing. All must also be respected, none has been annulled since its approval by national referendum in December 1978, therefore all are in force and are absolutely precise so that the entities, institutions and entities named in the Constitution are fully respected.

Well, then; Readers, please refer to the letter of Article 8 which says – I must now repeat it verbatim – the following: “The Armed Forces, composed of the Army, the Navy and the Air Force, have the mission of guaranteeing the sovereignty and independence of Spain, defending its territorial integrity and the constitutional order. As can be seen, what is written in this article is neither a suggestion nor advice; It is a mission that can be – and is – synonymous with obligation. This columnist knows perfectly well the enormous danger there is in referring to this constitutional mandate.

There will be those, the most shameless, who will accuse us, not to say encouraging, of inciting the armies to to stage a coupcrude and efficient in its creations. We are of course facades. Others, more moderate, those who, excuse me, take it with cigarette paper, will react by saying something like this: “But, for God’s sake! Who tells us to call in the military?” Some third party, we do not know to what extent, will say that “we are already taking too long” but, of course, they would adopt a line incompatible with the Constitution itself. That is to say, its own involution. And of course, we are not interested in that.

The sword stroke of 81 vaccinated the military against the successive adventures of the Militia. Two issues became clear: that outside the Constitution, nothing could be done, and that it was necessary to undertake a whole military revolution to direct the professionals of the Militia to tasks appropriate to the times. Membership in NATO helped to meet this need.

This has been happening for decades, so much so that we even had to invent other tasks to keep our military in top shape. For example, the Military Emergency Unit, initially welcomed into the barracks with great caution, because it was believed, and that is why it was called: “cheap labor”. Later, we managed to fulfill orders that, in any case, could be fulfilled by other institutions. Protection, Civil, Firefighters, various Police… Furthermore, abroad our membership in the Atlantic Alliance has led us full time to act outside Spain, Africa and Asia… and certainly, also recently in Europe, in Ukraine.

At present, the image that we Spaniards have is that of perfectly prepared professionals, engineers of who knows how many things, who are acclaimed wherever they go, but here in Spain they are only visible a few times a year: the National Day parade and Armed Forces Day. So much so that very few analysts now attribute to our Armies the mission, well beyond those mentioned, of constitutionally guaranteeing our sovereignty and national integrity. This leads to fascism. Nobody believes, because the precept seems to have already been abandoned, that this is a (textual) “mission” that the three Armies must fulfill.

But, of course, the problem now is how our military leaders should act in the face of three perfectly identifiable challenges: the harassment of our territorial totality by segregationists of all stripes, from Catalan pastry chefs to Basque terrorists, the invasion of institutions (there is not a single healthy one left) and the lack of respect for our constitutional order, to which Sánchez does not feel concerned. Or is our national identity, woven for centuries, not attacked and subverted by those mentioned? Or are these same people, more or less gradually, not destroying the very concept of Spain as “the common and indivisible homeland of all Spaniards” (Article 2).

What is terrible is that the sweepers, the philterrorists of Bildu and others, and the permanent executioners of an untamed secessionism benefit from a decisive ally: Pedro Sánchez Pérez-Castejón. The national destruction, the explosion of the oldest Nation in Europe is not just a hypothesis manipulated by the talkative revolutionaries of the Faculty of Politics of the Complutense of Madrid; No, it is a reality, an objective, of course, of these needy people, but especially of the parties that maintain an unscrupulous individual in La Moncloa.

Spain, which resists but does not shout and barely takes to the streets, only hopes that some judges will continue to be the last wall that will not let itself be bitten by this band of outlaws. But let’s see: are we going to let the judges be the only ones to stand up to these enemies? And this, in addition, taking into account that we cannot count on many of them, for example those of the Constitutional Court who have infected all their actions with illegal and antidemocratic bullshit. So what are we going to do: what can the armies do in this hour so compromised for the pure existence of Spain, in a moment of obvious national emergency? Well, first of all, do what they do not do: express in every possible way their incompatibility with what is happening.

At present, we regard our military leaders almost as disciplined assistants to the Minister of Defense. Nothing else. Many uniforms worn at parties and many field suits with UN blue helmets. Nothing else. Oddly enough, even the Head of State maintains no practical hierarchy, so the role of our Forces has little to do with what the Constitution orders them to do.

The armies are part of civil society, the one that silently contributes, almost with complicity, to the overthrow of democracy, to the instrumentalization of the courts, to the crude colonization of institutions, to the sustained aggression against the private sector. What is happening in Spain is the use of the power acquired by the democratic rail to turn it into an ultra-left autocracy. The Spain that abjures Sanchism has put the spoon back, has folded, has settled because, in the end, “we are not going to get rid of this guy, so let’s go to the beach.”

In this situation, the absent society must use strong words: academies, universities, professional associations, the media are called to what an eloquent intellectual, Javier Cercas, called “insubordination”. The army has an essential constitutional role. Article 8 describes it: to look at the other is to fail in one’s function.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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