Home Entertainment News Asirón decides how many trees he will plant in Beloso after the...

Asirón decides how many trees he will plant in Beloso after the work on the new cycle path

Asirón decides how many trees he will plant in Beloso after the work on the new cycle path

He Pamplona City Hall will achieve the plant more than a thousand trees In the coming months, as part of the campaign replacement and generation of new green spaces in the city.

Performance includes both work of the Green Zones Servicesuch as the execution of various works in the field of projects and management of mobility and urban planning, such as the bicycle and pedestrian corridor of the Beloso slope, the renaturalization of school playgrounds or the promotion of Pioneras Park.

It should be remembered that, precisely at this moment, More than a hundred trees were felled for the purpose of undertaking the above work.

The initial forecast is that over the next five months plant 1,021 trees of different species. However, this figure could be increased in about 150 other copiesAs the campaign progresses, there are plans to replace some trees in worse conditions. The variety of species used in this campaign is wide.

Specimens of the families of linden, ash and maple trees, among othersbetting on diversity and give priority to those who best match the climate of the Foral Community. As a general rule, the same species cannot represent more than 5% of the city’s trees, in order to avoid any type of pest or disease affecting the green spaces of all of Pamplona. This is why, in planting campaigns, there is never one species that stands out from another in number of specimens.

The service The Town Hall Green Zones are those most responsible for maintenance and planting. trees in the city. However, there are other municipalities that carry out various actions, including tree planting. Concerning only the Green Zones, for this campaign they plan to plant 624 specimens.

The thickness, even 438, correspond to the replacement of dry trees or in poor condition and the replacement of certain species by others. As it is an ordinary task of the service, which is carried out with municipal staff and through contracts, in this case the cost of planting is limited to the supply of trees, for which approximately 80,000 euros were planned. The number of trees likely to be replaced could reach 600, depending on the area.

The 438 trees planned They will be distributed in all neighborhoods of Pamplona. However, it is in the Rochapea area that the greatest impetus will be given, with the planting of 99 specimens. Next in number is the Arrosadía-Sadar area, with 41 specimens expected; Ermitagaña-Mendebaldea and Lezkairu, both with 37 substitutions; and San Jorge, with 34 others. The number of new trees exceeds twenty in Ensanches, on the Arga river promenade, in San Juan and in Txantrea-Ezkaba.

Difficult root zones

Added to all this are some new actions in this campaign. The Green Zones Service plans to improve the planting points of half a dozen spaces in the city. These are areas where the plantations carried out in previous years did not work, the planned tree growth and this will be attempted again, with new species and also improving the subsoil. For this purpose, it is planned to plant 141 new specimens. This improvement action represents 30% of the service’s plantings planned this year.

one of the greatest representations It will take place in the Rochapea district, where 57 new specimens will be planted. The tree-lined avenue on Guipúzcoa Avenue will also be enlarged, with 30 new trees. A renovation of the median of rue Blas de la Serna is also planned, with 21 new housing units; and a new plantation in Azpilagaña, with 17 trees. In addition, the planting campaign will also have small touches in the Trinitarios Railway Park, Lezkairu neighborhood and Sandoval Street, I Ensanche neighborhood.

On the other hand, the Green Zones Service It will also intervene in plantings linked to works in other municipalities, such as the Landaben cycle path, for which it is planned to plant 24 new trees; the renovation of the sidewalks on Río Queiles Street, with 9 other examples; improve walkability in San Juan Bosco, with 8 trees; or the improvement of the sidewalks of the Urdanoz Group, in Etxabakoitz, where 4 trees will be planted. In total, this work will represent 45 new projects for the city, in its commitment to promoting green spaces.

So much in the work of improvement planting pointsas in these works in coordination with other areas, the Pamplona City Council, through the Green Zones Service, plans to invest 1.3 million euros. The amount here is much higher, as the works not only focus on supplying and planting the planned 180+ trees in total, but also involve civil works to adapt the space. The civil works mainly focus on the reform of the surrounding sidewalks and the improvement of the subsoil, to promote the rooting and growth of plants.

In total, the different actions of Green Zones Service They will allow this planting campaign to reach the number of 624 trees. Among them, 532 will be used to replace copies that had to be withdrawn for various reasons, such as poor condition; and another 92 will be new plantings in areas where there were no trees before.

Taking advantage of planting seasonIn November, tree replacement and planting work will also begin as part of projects launched by different sectors of the Town Hall. In this case, there are 397 trees linked to projects already underway. Of these, 338 are replacements and another 59 will be copies located in areas where there were none previously.

Among thethe situations considered in this section For example, we will cite the Beloso slope cycling and pedestrian corridor, where 52 trees will be planted. These will replace those that were cut down at the start of the work: a total of 102. Also the Pioneer Park, in Lezkairu, where 286 specimens will be replaced. And 25 specimens will be planted in different schoolyards, as part of the renaturalization project; and 26 others in the Pius XII Sustainable Corridor. In addition, eight trees will be planted after the renovation work on Iturrama Boulevard.

Pamplona, ​​a city of 120,000 trees

In general figuresPamplona currently has 120,000 trees. Of these, nearly 30,000 are located on sidewalks and another 32,250 in the city’s green spaces. In addition, another 60,000 specimens were discovered in the river park and on Mount San Cristóbal.

Among them there are 470 different speciessome more ornamental and others which bring greater environmental benefits, which bring biodiversity to the city. Highlights, for example, are the more than 6,100 trees of the maple family (2,000 Acer pseudoplatnus and 1,500 Acer platanoides, 1,400 Acer campestre and 1,200 Acer negundo), 3,000 Platanus, 2,000 ash trees (mainly Fraxinus excelsior) and 1,750 hackberry trees or Celtis australis. They are followed in quantity by 1,400 horse chestnut trees, 1,000 silver lime trees (Tilia tomentosa) and 1,000 other Liriodendron tulipifera, by its common name, tulip tree. We also distinguish species of historical and cultural character that are recovering in Pamplona, ​​such as elms.

THE tree plantations The annual campaign is carried out from November to March by the Green Zones Service or through municipal contracts. In addition, new developments are placed by the companies responsible for the works, always in accordance with the execution projects and with a report from the Green Zones Service.


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