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HomeLatest NewsAsirón spends thousands of euros to help Pamplona learn Basque

Asirón spends thousands of euros to help Pamplona learn Basque

From EH Bildu has taken the Pamplona town hall from the UPN with a motion of censure, the Abertzale coalition, led by Joseba Asirón, has focused her policy on promoting Basque. To the point that now I will allocate thousands of euros in aid to study this language.

Thus, the City Council of Pamplona has opened the deadline for apply for financial assistance to take Basque language learning and improvement courses during this summer. The period open this Monday ends on October 2. The course They can be followed up to and including September 30, 2024 and can be intensive, extensive, boarding, online or tutored self-study.

For opt for financial assistanceThe courses must be taken in educational centres dependent on the Administration, such as official language schools or the Zubiarte public euskaltegi; private centres approved for teaching Basque to adults and universities. The call includes a expenditure of 7,000 eurosto cover a maximum of 80% of the expenses incurred, depending on attendance, which must be at least 75%.

The amount to be received is subject to the following limits: in the event of participation in a maximum of three courses, the limit is 500 euros per course, with a limit of 1,400 euros per candidate; For taking more than 3 courses, the ceiling is 500 euros per course, with a limit of 4,000 euros per candidate.

THE AIDS they address people over 16 years oldor who will meet them in 2024, who must be enrolled in Pamplona during the course. If this requirement is not maintained throughout the curriculum, the aid is reduced proportionally. In addition, 75% of the course hours must be completed, which, for online courses, are calculated according to the following levels: A1, 125 hours; A2, 200 hours; B1, 250 hours; B2, 350 hours; C1, 400 hours; and C2, 200 hours.

If a complete level is not covered, the corresponding part is adjusted.s absences Duly justified for health reasons, medical visits, attendance at official examinations or for professional reasons will not be penalized in the calculation of attendance.

THE requests They will be presented upon request at the General Registry of the Pamplona City Council (Calle Mayor nº 2, ground floor – Palace of the Condestable), in one of the Auxiliary Registers of the Pamplona City Council, or through the options provided for in article 16.4. of Law 39/2015 of October 1 of the common administrative procedure of public administrations.

Documents proving the applicant’s personality and, where applicable, the representation of the person acting on his behalf will be submitted with the application; income declaration; declaration of responsibility for meet the requirements and proof that the applicant is up to date with their tax and social security obligations.

For more information about the call You can consult the municipal website or contact the Euskera service by calling 948 420 454 and by email. [email protected].


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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