Saturday, September 21, 2024 - 11:13 am
HomeAssassination of an American citizen near Nablus

Assassination of an American citizen near Nablus

US Vice President Kamala Harris called the death of activist Isenur Agee “an unspeakable tragedy that should never have happened.”

Agee, an American peace activist, was accidentally shot and killed last week during stone-throwing clashes. The day before, the military confirmed that he was likely accidentally hit by fire from IDF soldiers. In this regard, the IDF expressed its deepest condolences.

US Vice President Kamala Harris’ comments followed a statement by President Joe Biden, who expressed outrage at the death of an American citizen.

“Isenour was peacefully protesting against settlement expansion when her young life was senselessly cut short. No one should be killed for participating in a peaceful protest. The shooting that led to her death is unacceptable and raises legitimate questions about the conduct of IDF troops in the West Bank. Israel must do more to ensure that incidents like this never happen again,” Harris said.

He also noted that the United States will insist on accountability for all who promote violence and undermine efforts to achieve peace and stability, no matter which side they come from.

Earlier, Kursor wrote that President Joe Biden expressed his “outrage and deep sorrow” over the death of activist Aysenur Eigi, adding that Israel “must take additional steps” to prevent such tragedies from happening again. In his statement, Biden stressed that the shooting, which resulted in the death of an American citizen, is “completely unacceptable.”


Staven Smith
Staven Smith
I am a professional article writer, I have 7 years of experience writing stories, news, blogs and more.


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