The executive committee of the Aragonese PSOE unanimously agreed to reject the Catalan agreement agreed by Pedro Sánchez. They indicated in writing that they did not agree with this tax agreement and stated that they were not betting on any privilege of any kind. They are not the only ones who have warned Ferraz and the government in recent hours. Asturias, Castile and Leon and Extremadura warn that they will oppose it to any pact with Catalonia that could be unfair to its regions.
He The case generates a confrontation within the party. From the most belligerent position with the Catalan concert, represented in the figure of the president of Castile-La Mancha, Emiliano García Page, to the most conciliatory, that which comes from Andalusia.
He Secretary General of the Andalusian PSOEJuan Espadas, prefers to see it as a conflict with the PP and believes that the agreements reached with Catalonia should be applicable to other communities, as, he assures, Sánchez has already said.
Within the Executive, today, the Minister of Equality had to speak out, asking for unity and promising that the pact would be one of solidarity.”What is needed is to move forward, we need unity. And precisely, we are in a different, new, unique model that I think will be good for Catalonia and for the rest of Spain, because it is a model of solidarity. We are going to work on solidarity so that public services are better in Catalonia and in the rest of Spain,” said the minister.