The Government of Asturias, formed by the PSOE and the IU-Convocatoria, announced this Tuesday, on the occasion of the celebration of its first anniversary, the arrival of a new tourist tax“El Comercio” reports. The measure, which was not part of the coalition’s program, has been in force for years in some communities, especially in the Balearic Islands.
Among its objectives is the coffset the increase in expenses which must be faced to finance the operation of public services when the influx of visitors is greater.
The Asturian tourist tax it will be municipalas the PSOE demanded, unlike IU which wanted it to be autonomous, and voluntary application by the consistories which request it.
At the regional level, the regional government will have to design the legal framework necessary for municipal councils to be able to regulate tariffs through a municipal ordinance. The aim is to be able to launch next summer.
The measure was rejected by the Foro Asturias. Adrián Pumares described it as a “simple and useless response” to the problems, while claiming that it is “pure demagogy”.
For Pumares, the President of the Principality, the socialist Adrián Barbón, “is no longer just showing signs of weakness in front of the national PSOE: he is showing symptoms of exhaustion and weakness in his own government.” “Neither the PSOE nor its partners are capable of responding to the problems of Asturias, which is why they are resorting to the only thing they have left: propaganda and tax increases,” he said.
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