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HomeLatest NewsAt what temperature do ticks die? You won't get rid of them...

At what temperature do ticks die? You won’t get rid of them even in winter

THE Ticks are one of the most observed pests this seasonin summer it is their moment of maximum splendor, but we will not get rid of them in winter. What can happen with the arrival of lower temperatures is that you will not see them as much, but dying is something that they will not do, as many claim. So, in reality, we must be prepared to face a series of changes that are important and that perhaps you had not taken into account until now.

This pest is particularly dangerous, since it can be responsible for certain diseases. They can be transmitters and this means that we have certain details that can end up making us keep an eye on these annoying ticks. Whether in our pets or also in outdoor excursions, this can end up being what makes an important difference in these days that we have ahead of us and it can end up being what marks that change that we must take into account. It is time to start thinking about how to combat this pest, we will not get rid of it even in winter.

The temperature at which ticks die

Ticks survive temperatures of -4º, so it is time to start thinking about a change that could end up being what marks this survival of a pest that knows very well how to survive. They are insects that also reproduce at high speed.

This is when we have before us a series of elements that will eventually make it impossible to eliminate a scourge that can be extremely dangerous. You can remove these ticks in an essential way with the help of some elements that you may need to keep in mind.

Bet clearly on some details that could affect us. Tick eggs are difficult to detect and in addition, they will be very aware of some fundamental elements that you may not have taken into account until now.

They leave these eggs in cracks or places sheltered from the cold where we can appreciate the arrival of this type of key details that we may never have imagined until now. These are animals that also survive in winter, so they will continue to pose a threat.

You won’t get rid of it even in winter

We had better prepare ourselves to face a change that will not happen as we had hoped. Ticks will also be a risk in winteror autumn. The health service of the Community of Madrid provides us with some data that we must take into account, beyond the temperature at which they survive.

Continuing this explanation: “Ticks are arthropods that act as parasites, feeding on the blood of animals, including humans. Therefore, if infected, they can transmit diseases such as spotted fever, Lyme disease, babesiosis, tick-borne encephalitis or tularemia. Currently, there are more than 800 species of ticks described in the world, divided into two large groups: Hard ticks (family Ixodidae), to which the most important species parasitizing humans belong. Soft ticks (family Argasidae), which most often parasitize birds and, more rarely, humans.

A tick attached to the body usually does not cause pain and most often the bite causes no damage, or only a slight injury to the skin.

They pose a threat all year round: “A tick attached to the body usually does not cause pain and most often the bite does not cause any damage, or only a slight injury to the skin. However, ticks can transmit diseases, so it is necessary to avoid their bite and, if this happens, to eliminate it quickly and correctly. The period of greatest activity of these parasites is from April to October, although they can bite all year round, especially in warm regions.

There are some places where you should be very aware: “Ticks can be found in different habitats, such as on the ground, hidden in grass or bushes. Each species has different habitat preferences: some are common in forested areas, others prefer open places, with pastures or even dry bushes and some have adapted to live inside the burrows of their hosts or in human constructions, such as kennels or animal shelters. protection centers.

We must continue in winter, especially if we live in areas where this figure is not reached, paying close attention to these points. Otherwise, we can suffer the consequences of an element that can end up being particularly dangerous for our health. We must continue to pay attention to them.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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