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HomeBreaking NewsAtlético de Madrid prevented officers from identifying Metropolitano ultras, police union says

Atlético de Madrid prevented officers from identifying Metropolitano ultras, police union says

National Police agents present in the security system put in place for this Sunday’s derby between the Real Madrid and Atlético de Madrid They accuse and point the finger at the colchonero club of having prevented the action of the agents aimed at identifying or expelling from the field the ultras who disrupted the last minutes of the match played last Sunday evening.

According to police sources reported to EL ESPAÑOL, the club decided that only the stadium’s private security would act. Those responsible for the National Police system were unable to identify anyone or expel any of the radicals from the field, despite the situation that occurred in the Civitas Metropolitano.

In the club’s coordination room, the director of security and the head of security of Atlético de Madrid They decided that they did not want to give the image of the National Police leaving the stands. The sources consulted in the device indicate that Atlético has decided to resolve it. “They sent the captains, Cholo Simeone, they sent people from the club and they didn’t let the national police intervene.”

This is also explained by Ibón Domínguez, spokesperson for the JUPOL union, this is not the first time that this has happened. On several occasions, as happened yesterday at the Metropolitano, the organizers of the event do not authorize the action of the National Police inside the stadium, leaving the function of these agents to a simple presence at the stadium. inside the stadium.

JUPOL insists on the fact that faced with serious incidents like those experienced with the ultras this Sunday, they have put on the table “the need for La Liga to cover the costs of the police measures which
are carried out during League matches.

Devices which involve a large number of police officers in each match: with 150 police officers in lower risk matches and with more than 400 police officers in matches considered high risk. These operations represent an expense of more than 15 million euros for public coffers and therefore for all Spaniards, whether they are football fans or not.

JUPOL has been warning for some time about “the dangerous increase in the ultra phenomenon in Spanish stadiums”. An extreme for which no measures are taken neither from the Administration, nor from La Liga or the football teams.”

Cost of operations

For these reasons, JUPOL reiterates its requests to the General Directorate of Police to implement the necessary measures so that La Liga, as a private organization and organizer of the professional football competition in Spain, is the one that assumes the costs vast police expenditures. operations which are deployed every week during La Liga matches organized in Spain.

A request made by the trade union organization based on the fact that there are precedents of private entities paying for the security service provided by state security forces and bodies, both at the European level, where the Court Superior Litigation-Administrative of Bremen an established case law obliging the German league to pay the police costs incurred during the most important matches.

As well as at the national level where Law 10/2015 on public entertainment and recreational activities in the Basque Country, establishes in its article 111 point 2 that clubs will pay 31 euros per official and per hour, for the services provided by the Ertzaintza.

Furthermore, the trade union organization denounced the terrible conditions in which the National Police agents who participate in these operations live. Services which last several hours and in which the supplies are not even offered to the agents who are obliged to buy them in the stadium bars like any other supporter.




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