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Audio of Complutense number 2 telling the judge that “Begoña wanted to charge €15,000 for each master”

Juan Carlos Doadriowho was vice-rector of Institutional Relations at the Complutense University and who was to launch the Extraordinary Chair of Competitive Social Transformation of Begoña Gómez, stated before Judge Juan Carlos Peinado that Pedro Sánchez’s wife wanted to charge “15,000 euros for each master’s degree.” Begoña Gómez, through her chair, launched two degrees: a master’s degree in Fundraising or fundraising and another of competitive social transformation. As reported by this newspaper in the scoop, the president’s wife did not renew the chair which is under the control of the judicial investigation led by Judge Peinado.

Last July, senior officials of the The Complutense University stated in courtroom number 41 of the Court of Instruction of Madrid. The rector of the University of Madrid attended, Joaquin Goyachewho ended up being investigated – what used to be called an accused – after testifying as a witness. The current vice-rector also went through the court José María Coello of Portugal and his predecessor in power Juan Carlos Doadrio. The last one He explained before the judge thatBegoña Gómez did not receive any remuneration for the position of extraordinary professor, but she was interested in the payments for each master’s degree she launched.

Do you know if Begoña received any remuneration from the Complutense for her teaching work?” asked the lawyer who heads the People’s Prosecutor’s Office in this case, Marta Castro. To which the former vice-rector replied: “I It was forbidden, except for the master’s degree, where there were some questions because she charged 15,000 euros. He can’t charge more than anyone outside Complutense. From within, they can charge up to 30,000 people. I know this because they asked me when Cristina and Begoña said that, since they had two master’s degrees, they wanted to see if they could charge 15,000 and 15,000. I asked Economic Affairs and they told me no, that Due to budgetary rules it was supposed to be 15,000 euros. That’s what he would charge, but it would be for the master’s degrees, he couldn’t charge for the chair.

“The rector called me”

During 36 minutes of testimony, Juan Carlos Doadrio gives details about Begoña Gómez’s professorship. Specifically, about how they made the decision to create a chair for Pedro Sánchez’s wife at the university. “The rector called me on the phone after I had been there for about a week to tell me that he had to talk to me, that he wanted to see me. Then he calls me and tells me that I have to create a chair for Begoña Gómez, the president’s wife. He asked me if I had a problem and I replied that if you have the papers, that’s fine, I have no problem,” he explained to the judge.

It was then that the agreement that fell into their hands was transmitted.They sent me all the documentation, I saw it with the head of department and we saw that everything was in the financial memory. The agreement was very fast, It was like I was already prepared.” explains Doadrio.

Begoña Gómez met in Moncloa

As shown in the video of the rector’s statement published by this newspaper, Joaquín Goyache assured the judge that the chair of Begoña Gómez was designed in La Moncloa. “In July 2020, I received a call from Mrs. Gómez Fernández’s secretary and she told me that she wanted to meet me for a series of projects. I only knew Mrs. Gómez Fernández through the media, obviously, because she is the wife of the President of the Government, but she wanted to meet me. […] The Public School was closed at that time, it was the end of July and he told me, if I didn’t mind going to the Moncloa Palace and I went, I met him alone with her“.

Since last April, Judge Juan Carlos Peinado has been investigating Begoña Gómez for the alleged crimes of commercial corruption and influence peddling following a complaint filed by the Manos Liminas union. The complaint concerned the rescue of the airline Air Europa and public contracts awarded to businessman Juan Carlos Barrabés. The instructor included in the investigations the obtaining of the position of extraordinary professor co-directed by Begoña Gómez, which he obtained without official qualifications.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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