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HomeLatest NewsAugust ends with nearly 600 additional unemployed

August ends with nearly 600 additional unemployed

The eighth month of the year usually leaves Cordoba negative data for the labor market and this August has been no different. This is shown by the latest data published by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security: they end with an increase in unemployment in the province, with 597 additional unemployed than in July (1.06%). The total number of people without work reached 57,132.

In the year-on-year comparisonOn the contrary, unemployment has decreased: on August 31, 5,461 fewer unemployed people were registered than a year ago (-8.72%). The data is lower than the Andalusian average (-8.18%).

THE sectors The main sectors of activity that explain these data are first services, with 379 additional unemployed in August; followed by construction, where 176 additional Cordouans find themselves without employment; and industry (127). In addition, 39 unemployed are added to the list of the group “without previous employment”. Therefore Only unemployment has decreased in agriculture (-124 people).

Contracts are collapsing

THE contracts Subscribers, for their part, decreased in August: 3,476 fewer were signed than the previous month (-15.98%), and 1,331 fewer than a year ago (-6.79%).

In SpainThe number of unemployed people registered in the State Public Employment Service (SEPE) offices at the end of August increased by 21,884 people (0.86%) compared to the previous month. The number of registered unemployed people stood at 2,572,121 people, the lowest figure for the month of August since 2008.

According to the report of the Ministry of Labor, unemployment has increased down in the agricultural sector of 2,337 people (-2.60%) and among the group “without previous employment” it decreased by 3,150 (-1.33%). Increase in services of 20,189 people (1.11%), construction (2.11%) and industry (1.50%).


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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