interview Claudia Effenberg Your 60th birthday must be very special In the video let you see what Claudia Effenberg Planning is exciting. More In an exclusive interview public Claudia Effenberg their exciting plans for their 60th birthday – and why her man stefan store plays a very special role. On March 13, Kai Röffen, 64, the man of RTL “exclusive” ...
The British singer and songwriter James Blunt (51) can also look forward to an impact -filled account years after his breakthrough with “You’re Beautiful”. According to the current figures from his company James Blunt Limited, the musician earns impressive 6000 euros a day. How Sun Reports, the company shows a profit of 2.3 million euros for 12 months. A significant ...
Monaco – This step really no one has seen: Shania Geiss (20) wants to change your life in Monaco and return the sister Davina (21) Therefore, the back of the blue. Is Zoff behind it? Shania Geiss (20, right) no longer wants to live with his sister Davina (21) together in a shared apartment. © RTLZWEI The daughters of multimillionaire ...
Roland Kaiser: in the fast lane It runs and walks and walks. Almost no artist gives as many praised concerts as Roland Kaiser. The Hitster has been treating itself for decades Hardly a break. His current album Does not mean “marathon”. But some fans wonder in silence: what if Kaiser ends the run? After all, he is 72 years old. ...
Jimi Blue Ochsenknecht Ex Laura is not blame for family dispute Jimi Blue Ochsenknecht and Laura-Marie Geissler were a couple for about two years. © DDP Jimi Blue Ochsenknecht defends ex-boyfriend Laura-Marie Geissler: She was not responsible for the break with his family. There are several rumors of the relationship between Jimi Blue Ochsenknecht, 33, and Laura-Marie Geissler, 26: While ...
“The Dorns Birds” Star is dead Richard Chamberlain died two days before his birthday 30.03.2025 – 3:44 pmReading time: 2 minutes. Richard Chamberlain: The actor became 90. (Source: Kevin Winter / Getty Images) Mourning for Richard Chamberlain is wonderful: the star of the film died on Saturday – just two days before the actor would have turned 91. “Our beloved ...
Block The main cinema begins in April Jason Momoa (left) discovers the world “Sweeney and Daniel Brühl the ruthless wilderness. Jason. © Leonine / 2024 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved. Adventure, dropout, accountant – and vampires! In April, everything was represented from colorful “Minecraft” look at historic horror. In April, the cinema, especially, the Bloody) for Surgival: A ...
Bill Kaulitz: Sad Love Confession – “was cheated in each of my relationships” What looked like a perfect love story for a long time apparently ended in a disaster: after Bill Kaulitz (35) had confirmed the relationship with “Let’s Dance” candidate Marc Eggers (38) last fall Moments later everything went back in the breaks. While the 38-year-old is still silent ...
As soon as Nina Kristin and Nico Legat have published their relationship, it is criticized by all parties. It even says PR fake! ...
The British journalist Lady Esther Rantzen (85) Braag continues to fight against her lung cancer in the fourth phase. But now there are disturbing news: as her daughter Rebecca Wilcox announced, the cancer medicine, which was promising at the start of the treatment, no longer seems striking. “I wish it would be different, but I don’t think the medicine still ...