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HomeLatest NewsAuthorities call for extreme precautions amid alarming summer figures in the Pyrenees

Authorities call for extreme precautions amid alarming summer figures in the Pyrenees

The number of accidents and rescues recorded this summer in the Aragonese Pyrenees has set off alarm bells. Since June, there have been 16 deaths in the mountains, 27 for the whole of 2024. Last year, there were 14 deaths. The number of people who have suffered more or less serious setbacks continues to grow, with 170 rescues in July and a hundred in August, and mountain federations, tourist offices and municipalities near these areas are insistently calling for extreme precautions to be taken. in a natural environment that must not become hostile.

The latest death occurred on Sunday 18 August in Torla (Huesca), when a 71-year-old Dutch climber tripped and fell into a channel in the Forqueta de Gabietos while he was accompanied by a group of people. A few days earlier, on Monday 12, a 54-year-old woman from Navarre died near the Góriz refuge, in the Ordesa y Monte Perdido National Park, after hitting her head on a stone.

Other minor accidents have been caused by minor falls, heat stroke, digestive problems, dehydration, disorientation or lack of appropriate equipment for sports practice. Also, due to inexperience when climbing peaks that result in a difficulty that is not always accessible to the less experienced.

The tourist offices of towns such as Canfranc, Panticosa, Aínsa or Benasque have specialists who provide specific information and advice for planning excursions, with the aim that the user can go to the mountains with a better knowledge of the terrain they are going to travel and the risks that can be involved in practicing outdoor activities.

The Department of Finance, Interior and Public Administration of the Government of Aragon has intensified the Safe Mountain campaign, which warns of the need to plan any activity, from high mountain hiking to via ferrata. On August 1st, it began in the Aínsa office; in Benasque and Panticosa they left on the 5th, and in Canfranc on August 6th. Around two thousand people have already passed through, with Benasque being the main center of activity and hiking being the specialty that raises the most questions.

The Aragonese Mountaineering Federation (FAM) reminds us that every time you go hiking, you must apply sunscreen with a minimum protection factor of 20, even if the day is cloudy. It is necessary to find out about the route you want to take, to be able to assess whether it is suitable for your training (need to climb, off-piste, etc.) and your physical abilities.

It is recommended to eat and drink “from time to time” to avoid dehydration and regain strength; In addition, we must not forget that the excursion does not end at the summit but at home, so we must reserve energy for the return, when the most accidents occur according to statistics.

It should be noted that you should always carry a map of the area and a compass, which can be a great help in case of disorientation or unfamiliarity with the path. To do this, before going into the mountains you must have practiced and know how to use them properly. GPS devices work with batteries and these usually run out very quickly and it is necessary to bring a spare. In addition, these devices pose problems in very narrow areas and in forests.

The FAM continues to advise you to think carefully about the equipment that will be needed for the activity, with the desire to save extra kilos with what will not be used and to be careful with glass objects, which break easily and could injure the user. . user. It is recommended to always carry a small first aid kit with products such as bandages, hydrogen peroxide or bandages.

In activities where the use of specific progression techniques is required (climbing or canyoning), it is essential to be familiar with the technical equipment to be used; otherwise, the life of the athlete or their companions could be put in danger. These materials are designed to work with certain rope thicknesses and situations.

“When you leave, leave a statement indicating where you will go and what route you will take and any changes you may have, so that if necessary we can locate you as quickly as possible,” the FAM appeals to mountain sportsmen. In case of emergency, you should call 112 and indicate as precisely as possible the position, the condition of the injured and any data that may interest you.

If the user is a beginner in the mountains, it is advisable to contact one of the many mountain clubs that exist and that schedule periodic outings. When going out with children, it is important to monitor their strength and plan the activity and the return in such a way that the return does not become a torture of fatigue and suffering for everyone.

If the child has to carry a backpack, its weight should not exceed 10% of his body weight; that is, a child weighing 28 kilos can carry a backpack weighing 2.8 kilos. Children should be kept in mind at all times, as they can easily get lost or disoriented and lost and do not have as developed a sense of direction as an adult.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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