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Ayuso does not rule out summoning Begoña Gómez to testify before the commission of inquiry into the UCM case

“We are preparing the list, we do not exclude any name“. With this phrase, the spokesman for the popular parliamentary group of the Assembly of Madrid, Carlos Díaz Pache, opened the possibility that the president of the government, Pedro Sánchez, or his wife, Begoña Gomez, to go to the Madrid Assembly to appear before the commission of inquiry into Gómez’s relations with the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM).

Pache’s statements come after the PSOE lost the debate in which it intended to paralyze the aforementioned commission. The Madrid socialists have been claiming since June that this commission of inquiry is a “vendetta” by Ayuso against Pedro Sanchez and they have exhausted all their time trying to achieve this.

Today, with the rejection of its request by Vox and the PP, the commission that will investigate the “Begoña Gómez case” was officially launched. The office will qualify its final procedure this Friday so that the groups can begin to present their members and their first session will be held in early October.

The big question is who will attend the committee by virtue of their appearance. The parliamentary groups continue to guard their lists with suspicion, even if they are already beginning to name some names. Or, at least, the areas to which they will belong.

PP spokesman Carlos Díaz Pache did not rule out calling Begoña Gómez, Pedro Sánchez or the Rector of the UCM, Joaquín Goyacheand further assured that they would include in their list “all those who can shed light.”

The “sponsoring companies”, those that participated in the “development of the software” developed within the framework of the Begoña Gómez chair, or the “university directors”; listed.

The rest of the groups were less explicit.

Vox, who had emphasized Pedro Sanchez being part of his list of appearances, he has taken a step back. Now, Rocío Monasterio does not want to give specific names and asks the press for “time” to answer her insistent questions.

He also does not deny that the president’s wife should go to the Chamber of Vallecas, Begoña Gomez, even though he assures that it is necessary to look for testimonies that can go “beyond” the media.

“We are preparing the list.” This is the expression that everyone uses to throw the ball away and avoid giving names and surnames.

Of course, the PSOE confirmed that it was “millimetrically aligned with Ferraz” when preparing its parliamentary group’s response to this commission, since it directly affects the national government.

But no matter how much the groups want to propose Pedro Sánchez, sources from the Madrid Assembly have confirmed to Madrid Total that senior officials of the State Administration “do not appear” at the seat of the regional parliament; since the body to which the central government is responsible is the Senate or Congress.

Or what is it the same, that Pedro Sanchez and no minister may be called to testify before the commission set up from Madrid Assembly.

This does not mean that your name cannot appear on the lists presented by the groups (no one can avoid it); but, once this list is transmitted to the table of the House for analysis, they will be rejected for appearance.




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