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Ayuso leaves doubts about his presence

Moncloa begins to summon regional presidents for the bilateral meetings by Pedro Sánchez with everyone to talk about it new financing model. From the Executive, they specify that the schedule of these meetings will be por legal orderso this series of meetings would start with Euskadi and Cataloniatwo communities that the PP does not govern.

So, the Lehendakari Imanol Pradalesof the PNV, and the president of the Generalitat, the socialist Salvador Illawill be, according to Moncloa’s plans, the first to talk about financing with the government. They will be followed by two presidents of the Popular Party: the one from Galicia, Alphonse Ruedaand the Andalusian president, Juanma MorenoThe latter has already made it known that he would demand “an agreement on regional financing which distributes the contributions which must be equitable”.

In principle, everyone will attend the meetings, except Isabel Diaz Ayusowho will do it according to the agenda. “I don’t know what we will do in each case. I haven’t asked anyone anything other than what unites us does not unite us in La Moncloa,” said the Madrid president, who initially asked the other “popular” barons to refuse to meet with Sanchez.

All this after the party leader, Alberto Nuñez Feijooannounced last week that its presidents they will not negotiate bilaterally with Sánchez. A position that the Minister of Finance criticized from the Executive, Maria Jesus Montero“How does Mr Feijóo tell a Treasury adviser or a regional president what he has to talk about?” he said.

The “popular” insists that the agreement reached with Esquerra Republicana regarding a single financing for Catalonia is unfair to their communities. In this sense, the Valencian president, Carlos Mazonstated that “the issue of financing will not be resolved in terms of equality or solidarity with quotas and privileges that harm the rest of Spaniards.”

Which the government categorically denies. “This agreement will not harm the rest of the autonomous communities, quite the contrary,” defended the Minister of Economy. Carlos’s body. The Minister of Science and leader of the Valencian PSOE, Diana Morant, even offered to meet with Mazón and the Popular Party. “I have already offered to accompany him, if he needs it, to discuss financing in Genoa,” he said. a few meetings, still no datewhich the government wanted to start in September.




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