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Ayuso rectifies and asks to be “assisted at Moncloa” to address the “singular” problems of Madrid

From the call for a boycott to the request to be “assisted” at the Moncloa Palace. The president of the Community of Madrid, Isabelle Diaz Ayusochanged position in just 24 hours to fit in with the rest of his teammates. PP. If this Thursday he urged his party colleagues to sabotage the bilateral meetings that Pedro Sánchez will meet with each of the regional leaders, now sees these meetings in a positive light, provided that the issues that affect each autonomous community are discussed.

Ayuso thus aligns himself with the position of Génova and that of the rest of the barons. In other words, he is now willing to hold bilateral meetings, but only to address “the unique problems” of each territory. To deal with the “common box”, the picture must be “multilateral”, through the Conference of Presidentssaid the head of the Madrid executive on Friday after the summit autonomy of the PP leaders.

In this sense, Ayuso celebrated Feijóo’s “commitment” not to address the issue with Sánchez. reform of autonomous financing in the cycle of meetings proposed by Pedro Sánchez. “Let’s all go together. Sánchez wants us to be deceived and tell us that he is going to give us this money that he does not have,” the Madrid leader reproached.

“All presidents have unique problems, in Madrid we have a problem of insecurity and destruction of the Cercanías network and I would like this to be addressed in Moncloa but we have never been heard,” he said.

Instead, “everything that concerns the common fund as a whole” must be negotiated “in a fair forum with lights and stenographers and with everyone together so that they don’t make mistakes.”

Isabel Diaz Ayuso opened a debate within the party yesterday by publicly requesting a boycott of the invitations announced by Sánchez to the regional presidents.

Both the PP leadership and the party’s regional leaders agreed with the Madrid president that the issue of financing must be addressed “multilaterally” and that they will not give in to Sánchez’s siren song. However, they did not agree with her about the possibility of going to Moncloa.




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