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HomeLatest NewsAyuso thanks Melilla for defending sovereignty and the nation day after day,...

Ayuso thanks Melilla for defending sovereignty and the nation day after day, despite “strong pressures”

The president of the Madrid region, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, thanked Melilla this Tuesday for its daily defense of national sovereignty and the nation, “sometimes in the face of great pressure.” The president of the Community of Madrid visited the autonomous city to celebrate with its citizens Melilla Day, celebrated every September 17, and to express the support of the people of Madrid for its inhabitants.

In his speech at the official events, Ayuso praised the “joyful and peaceful” cultural mix that exists in Melilla, where Christians, Muslims, Jews and Hindus live together in “total harmony and mixture, an example of respect and coexistence.”

The president of the Community of Madrid stressed that the regional presidents have “a responsibility towards all of Spain”: “Everything that happens in any national territory and its inhabitants is our concern.”

Ayuso traveled to Melilla this Tuesday to celebrate with its citizens the Day of Melilla, celebrated every September 17, and to show the support of the Madrid region to its inhabitants.

The regional president went to the Palace of the Assembly of Melilla, accompanied by the president of the Autonomous City of Melilla, Juan José Imbroda, to participate in the official commemorative events, such as the floral offering in front of the sculpture of Don Pedro de Estopiñán y Virués, or the subsequent military act.

Ayuso’s visit to Melilla on this special day is intended to be a demonstration of support offered by the president of the Madrid region and, by extension, by the Community of Madrid to the rest of the Spanish territory and its role in the country as a whole.

“Although many take it for granted, visiting our sunny African city reminds us that neither freedom nor being Spanish should remain undefended for a single day,” he said.

The president has always highlighted the role of the state security forces and bodies deployed on the border, “to always be vigilant and work with vigor and perseverance.” Two years ago, he recognized these agents with the Order of May 2 of the Community of Madrid.

Ayuso had some special words for the Legion: “We want to express our admiration for the Third Grand Captain of the General Command of Melilla.” “It will be a real pride to see them soon parading down the Paseo de la Castellana in Madrid, to the joy of so many people, especially children.”


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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