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Ayuso’s PP prepares a “great mobilization” in Madrid against Minister Puente due to the problems of Cercanías

Ayuso’s PP has said “enough” in the face of the situation in Cercanías, whose continuous incidents and breakdowns affect hundreds of thousands of Madrilenians. That is why the popular people of Madrid will call for a broad mobilization in the capital against the government’s management of this public transport and demand that Minister Óscar Puente find solutions once and for all, as explained by the general secretary of the Popular Party of Madrid, Alfonso Serrano. There will also be mobilizations in the municipalities, in a crazy way, every time a breakdown occurs that affects their citizens.

This Tuesday, Ayuso chaired the Steering Committee of the Madrid PP, at its headquarters on Génova Street. In this meeting, they outlined the working lines of a course in which the Madrid PP “will defend the model of freedom and solidarity against the policy of Sánchez.” And it will coordinate the work of its 114 mayors.

The popular people of Madrid are preparing for an intense course in the Assembly of Madrid, one of the highlights of this season will be what they have dubbed the “Begoña Commission”. Although they do not confirm it explicitly, the PP is expected to summon the president’s wife to appear to clarify the alleged favors of the Complutense University, the object of the commission.

The Madrid PP maintains that the regional government “is already working on the 2025 Budget project. A government that governs against a government, of Sánchez, that is simply there and has had to back down because it cannot govern.” It remains in control of the cost of everything, but is incapable of carrying out any initiative, including budgetary.

At the meeting, they talked about the situation of Cercanías, with continuous incidents and delays “of several hours.” “It is unsustainable that we face these delays and breakdowns every day. The Madrid PP will call for mobilizations to demand immediate measures and solutions from Minister Puente. We deserve a modern, reliable and secure network. Wherever there is an incident, a PP councilor will report it to the neighbors. “Fewer phrases from the government and more getting to work.” There will be mobilizations at the local level, in the affected municipalities, as well as a broader, more general mobilization, because there is a “great annoyance.” It will be in Madrid and they are looking for an appointment at the moment.

In addition, Ayuso’s PP has categorically rejected “the attitude of the government delegate, who uses the PP municipalities for his personal campaign.” For this reason, they ask him to act with loyalty and, if he goes to the municipalities, to meet with his colleagues “and focus on his own skills” and to worry about issues such as the increase in sexual assaults and the increase in personnel. number of national police and civil guards. “There are 1,150 fewer soldiers than the government delegate says.” “The Spanish government plays with the security of the people of Madrid, while the government delegate has fun with the PSOE’s throne games in Madrid.”

Another topic discussed is Fuenlabrada: “We ask the PSOE for more responsibility and less hypocrisy.” “I don’t know if the PSOE model is that of Alcalá, with 1,500 overcrowded people, or that of the Community of Madrid that is going to be established in Fuenlabrada, with a prepared and well-equipped center, where there will be a hundred unaccompanied minors.” “They are starting to cross a very dangerous line. “Does the mayor want them to mark and designate the children upon arrival?” he asked.

Regarding the waste tax, which municipalities will have to impose by “order of the Sánchez government” in the coming months, the PP indicated that the last thing its mayors want is to increase taxes. “If municipalities have to increase it, it will be due to lack of responsibility and because the Spanish government has imposed it on them.” “We are not the PSOE. If there is a law that obliges us, we will have to comply with it. It is true that the regulation left the possibility of being applied in different ways. The application deadlines are already running out. “The mayors will fulfill their obligation, because they have no other choice.”

Regarding the “Begoña commission”, as the PP calls it, Serrano explained that it must first be established, once established, it will be the moment when the deadlines for the work will be established and from there a list of those appearing will emerge. “The people of Madrid can be sure that serious and rigorous work will be carried out. We will call everyone we have to call, everyone who has to come will come, and it is a responsibility to investigate.”


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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