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HomeBreaking NewsAzerbaijan and Russia can create remakes of old films together

Azerbaijan and Russia can create remakes of old films together

“In the future, Azerbaijan, together with Russia, will be able to create remakes of old films that are popular among the Russian-speaking population of the republic.”

Oku.AzAccording to the report, Rashad Azizov, head of the Creative Industries and Digital Development Department of the Ministry of Culture of Azerbaijan, said these words in an interview with TASS.

Azizov noted that many Russian companies come to Azerbaijan to make films and TV shows.

“In the future, it is possible that remakes of old films that are very popular among the Russian-speaking population will be created. There will be new products that will unite viewers from all our countries,” the head of the department said during the Moscow International Film Festival. Week.

Azizov stressed that Russian animated content is particularly popular among Azerbaijani viewers. According to him, there can be several levels of cooperation here: both creation and distribution. For this, special platforms and projects are needed.

“Moreover, Azerbaijani content is also looking for new sales markets. There is a large diaspora of Azerbaijanis in Russia, so the themes and problems are very similar, which certainly creates conditions for us to be together,” Rashad Azizov added.

It is worth noting that the Moscow International Film Week was held in the Russian capital from 23 to 28 August. Guests attended film screenings, master classes, excursions and castings. The event was organised in cinemas, parks, squares and museums of the city, with more than 100 venues taking part in the event. The main programme included more than 70 foreign films, as well as more than 40 Russian projects.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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