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Azerbaijan can become one of the leading countries in the field of renewable energy

Currently, one of the directions proposed by the Conference of the Parties to the Framework Convention on Climate Change in the fight against climate change in the world is that people should focus on cleaner sources of energy that do not have negative effects on the environment. In a global sense, this is called the energy transition.

Energy transition is the replacement of the use of one type of energy with a cleaner and cheaper type of energy. Currently, the world is in the process of transition from traditional energy to renewable energy. Different resources are used to produce the different types of energy needed. These energy sources are grouped according to some common characteristics. The main characteristic that distinguishes energy sources from each other is their renewable and non-renewable aspect. Non-renewable energy sources are also known as conventional energy. Due to their use of traditional energy sources, as the name suggests, it has been used since ancient times and still maintains its leadership in world markets. The most commonly used types are traditional (fossil) ones: oil, gas, coal and gaseous fuels.

Conventional energy sources are non-renewable energy sources. They are cheap and reliable and are also readily available. However, these energy sources emit additional harmful products and cause serious damage to the environment. In addition, these resources are only available in limited quantities in nature and are in danger of being depleted if used excessively. However, it should not be forgotten that more than 90% of global energy consumption is from traditional energy sources.

Given the negative consequences of global climate change, it is vital for the future of the planet that countries around the world collectively switch from fossil fuels or conventional energy sources to alternative and renewable energy.

Ramiz Kalbiyev, head of the Department of Energy Efficiency and Green Energy Technologies at Azerbaijan Technical University (ATU), told “Report” that Azerbaijan is a country with high potential for renewable energy sources.

According to him, the widespread use of renewable energy is recent. These types of energy include solar, wind, hydro, geothermal and biomass energy. These are environmentally friendly and inexhaustible. Although their use has been known since ancient times, it is not so widespread, especially for electricity generation.

R. Kalbiyev said that renewable energy sources are of great importance for humanity. These energy sources, which we know as green energy, do not harm the environment and are environmentally superior to fossil fuels.

The head of the department noted that Azerbaijan is determined to become one of the leading countries in the field of renewable energy:

“Holding the annual UN Climate Change Summit, known as COP (Conference of the Parties) in Baku in November 2024 shows that Azerbaijan is determined to become one of the leading countries in the field of renewable energy. To achieve this, our country uses the rich potential of wind and solar energy.”

“It is also an important component of the country’s plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by 2050. The country aims to increase the share of renewable energy in electricity generation to 30% by 2030 and become a leader in the field of green energy. “Azerbaijan, as an exemplary country in this area, will update its national target in line with the 1.50ºC goal within the framework of the next Nationally Determined Contributions document,” he added.

So the question arises: why is it important that the energy transition happens now?

R. Kalbiyev said that in order to answer the question, it is necessary to consider the advantages of renewable energy:

“The transition to renewable energy has many positive effects on the environment. Renewable energy sources are inexhaustible energy providers and do not generate carbon emissions. These energy sources do not pollute the air or water sources. This is precisely the global problem that led to such a large conference as COP29. At the same time, renewable energy makes it possible to obtain electricity and thermal energy from energy sources more easily and operating costs are cheaper.

The head of the department added that many factors are causing the lack of renewable energy:

“The installation costs of renewable energy sources are high and the production of energy sources can be unreliable, “intermittent.” In addition, depending on the environment and location, there is a need to store and store energy. Some types of these sources “even have a small amount of carbon emissions.”

R. Kalbiyev also shared his opinion on Azerbaijan’s potential in renewable energy and stated that the country is quite successful in this field:

“Azerbaijan’s economically efficient solar energy potential is 23 GW. The most important factor that makes Azerbaijan suitable for solar energy production is the presence of 2400-3200 hours of sunny days per year. The 230 MW Garadag solar power plant was launched in October 2023. At the same time, other projects are being implemented. The country continues to sign agreements with solar energy stakeholders, in addition to those interested in the process of expanding Azerbaijan’s solar energy infrastructure, within the framework of COP29.”

He also said that Azerbaijan’s rich onshore and offshore wind energy resources create significant opportunities for sustainable energy production:

“The country has an economic potential of 3 GW of onshore and 157 GW of offshore wind energy. Important steps have been taken to realize this potential. The projects implemented with international investors such as “ACWA Power” and “Masdar” are a clear example of this.”

“Hydropower accounts for about 10% of the country’s annual electricity production. About 25% of the country’s freshwater resources are concentrated in the economic regions of Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur, which have been identified as green energy zones. “The crown of Azerbaijan’s hydropower infrastructure is the Mingachevir hydroelectric power station with an installed capacity of 424 MW,” said R. Kalbiyev.

R. Kalbiyev said that Azerbaijan is actively working to implement its plans in the green hydrogen sector. One of them is that Azerbaijan will start researching low-carbon hydrogen production in February 2023 with the support of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD):

“The cooperation agreements signed with international investors will allow for the production of around 10 GW of renewable energy in the medium term, which in turn can contribute to the production of green hydrogen. As we mentioned, one of the main advantages of renewable energy is that it is environmentally friendly, for example thermal energy. When an average of 1 kWh of energy is produced in its stations, 0.5 kg of carbon dioxide (CO) are generated, which is harmful to the environment.2) is launched. This means that for the energy supply of a family consuming 10 kWh of energy per day, an average of 5 kg of CO are emitted2 is released into the environment. In comparison, a family of four throws away an average of 2 to 3 kg of household waste. That is, CO per family.2 The amount of waste is almost double that of household waste.

He stressed that one of the most important positive aspects is the saving of natural gas.

Speaking about the price of renewable energy devices, the expert said that the price of renewable energy devices has decreased significantly over the past ten years:

“For example, solar energy devices have become 4.0-4.5 times cheaper, and wind energy devices – 1.5-2.0 times. This creates conditions for the expansion of the application of these devices. Previously, these devices were rarely used because they were very expensive, but now the revenues from gas used in our country stimulate their application.”

Thus, Azerbaijan is not lagging behind developed countries in the energy transition. Serious activity is observed in this area. On the other hand, the energy transition is also the next stage in human history and technological development, and it is impossible to ignore it. What we have mentioned above also confirms this. In order for alternative energy to become profitable in the country, the existing tariffs should be increased several times.

Although Azerbaijan is capable of becoming one of the leading countries in the field of renewable energy, for the development of alternative energy it is necessary to study and analyze the connections and relations of this field with other fields, with the general development model and priorities of the country, and only then should measures be taken. All interests of the country should be mutually regulated. It is for this purpose that through the annual COP conferences strategic objectives have been defined that cover finance, industry, agriculture, transport and other fields.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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