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HomeLatest NewsBanco Santander's steps towards the inclusion of people with disabilities

Banco Santander’s steps towards the inclusion of people with disabilities

Diversity is a source of wealth. The ability of societies to provide equal space and opportunities to all who live in them makes us progress significantly, increasing value and promoting a more innovative and dynamic environment.

There are 1.3 billion people with disabilities in the world – according to data from the World Health Organization (WHO) -. This figure represents 15% of the world’s population and highlights our diversity, but also the high percentage of people who face difficulties in terms of equal opportunities in accessing studies or the labor market. In Spain, for example, according to the report on the labor market of people with disabilities, published by the Ministry of Labor and Social Economy in 2023, only 35% of people with disabilities of working age are active in the labor market. This is also a figure 42.7 points lower than the activity rate of the non-disabled population.

Faced with such a challenge, Banco Santander has set to work and has been supporting this group for years through the Fundación Universia, focusing the efforts of its activity on improving employability, from a perspective of diversity and equity. This commitment to the progress of people with disabilities and other groups at risk of exclusion constitutes a boost on the path to their educational development and high employability. Without going any further, since its creation it has invested more than 15 million euros and has granted more than 3,400 scholarships for students with disabilities.

This year, Fundación Universia launches the 19th edition of its Fundación Universia scholarship program for university students with disabilities, enrolled in the curriculum that now begins — from 2024 to 2025 — for undergraduate, master’s and professional undergraduate, intermediate and higher education. university specialization courses or own degrees and doctorates. A call that will remain open until October 7.

Education and employability

The objective of the 200 scholarships of 1,000 euros that will be awarded in this new edition to students holding a disability certificate with a diploma equal to or greater than 33%is to ensure equal opportunities in access and academic progression, promoting inclusive and quality education and the empowerment of people with disabilities in order to promote high employability in a constantly changing world of work.

A scholarship program like this one from Fundación Universia also represents an individualized commitment adapted to the person, which focuses on experiential educational projects that allow continuous learning and the development of the student’s abilities, thus increasing the options for access to employment, both salaried and professional. self-employed, improving the quality of life of people and also of a society that includes them.

Beyond this call, the entity continues to support students by promoting employability with mentoring, trainingprofessional practices and employment. It also offers a series of training courses such as SAP, specializing in finance and sales, or Cyberskills for training in cybersecurity; both 100% online and aimed at people in vulnerable situations who have more difficulty finding work.

With these projects, the Fundación Universia collaborates in achieving the objectives Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4: Ensure access to inclusive, equitable and quality education and promote learning opportunities to improve people’s quality of life.

Banco Santander with the progress of society

Banco Santander has maintained a firm commitment to over 27 years of experience, education, employability and entrepreneurship with an investment of more than 2.3 billion euros, serving more than 1.5 million people and businesses, and collaboration agreements with more than 1,200 universities and academic institutions in 26 countries. And this via platforms such as University Foundationwhich continues to advance in the creation of collaborative university ecosystems.

This commitment has been internationally recognized by Fortune magazine, which included Banco Santander in its latest “Change the World 2023” listwhich highlights companies that make significant contributions to solving social challenges. This commitment reflects the entity’s belief that education is a powerful tool to promote sustainable growth, diversity and equal opportunities in today’s society.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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