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HomeTop StoriesBankinter and Caixa, the only banks in the Ibex 35 that are...

Bankinter and Caixa, the only banks in the Ibex 35 that are recovering from the stock market decline in August

The main banking entities in the country they set foot in August with a big general drop which caused the Ibex 35, the Spanish benchmark index, to fall by more than 7% in the first week of the month. Fears of an imminent recession in the United States, the world’s largest economy, have sparked fears among investors. In this collective panic that has spread like the gunpowderthe bank was the most punished sectoralthough also the one who recovered before.

To be precise, the bump really has its origin July 30when the most important entities in the country began to see their prices fall and, since that moment, only two banks have managed to bounce back and return to trading above. The first of them is Interbankwhich has reached, since the lowest level reached on August 6, increase its stock market value by 12%recovering the 7.94 euros at which it was trading before the sharp drop, and thus erasing the gap it left in the price chart.

CaixaBank It was the other entity that managed to recover the price at which it was trading before the fall that began on July 30. At that time, Its shares were trading on the stock exchange at 5.4 euros.a level that has now been exceeded. Since reaching the lowest point of this fall on August 6, it has managed to rebound by more than 14%.

It should be recalled that, a few days before the dark week During which banks and assets around the world collectively fell, CaixaBank was having a good time on the stock market. So much so that on July 23, it turned out This is a record level positioning itself above 5.5 euros.

On the contrary, The entity that is furthest from leaving behind the fall suffered is BBVAwhich should increase its stock market value by up to 7.5%. If this growth were to occur, the Bilbao bank could return to the 10.1 euros where it was on July 30. And since the fear of a US recession has spread, the fall of the BBVA stock market reached 15.32%reaching lows it had not reached since the beginning of the year.

Santander Bank They are also not far from overcoming the decline, since with a rise of 1.04% it could return to the 4.5 euros where it was. Unicaja and Banco Sabadell still need, in both cases, increases of more than 4% to erase the declines.

The fall in Europe

On the Old Continent, the decline that occurred by domino effect was also perceptible. As evidenced by the sectoral index Stoxx 600 Banks, the decline that occurred in the days following July 30 reached 11.03%. However, as soon as it went down, it went up again, and in a few days the sector was able to recover and get closer to figures that were far from this fear of recession.



Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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