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HomeEntertainment NewsBanks are trying to convince first-time buyers who are tempted to postpone...

Banks are trying to convince first-time buyers who are tempted to postpone their project.

They have an average age of 35 years, a contribution of 42,000 euros and a loan of 194,000 euros. Who are they? This is the composite portrait of first-time buyers, people who buy their main home for the first time, prepared by the broker Cafpi in July. Your project refers to a house in 62% of the cases.

These young borrowers represent almost half of the production of real estate loans (47.9%, precisely, in June), according to the Bank of France. But today they doubt. “The announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly in early June sowed confusion in the minds of first-time buyers, who are now waiting to know more about the new political situation before purchasing”testifies Maël Bernier, spokesperson for Meilleurtaux.

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In fact, the summer was marked by announcements from several political parties: the New Popular Front advocated for the extension of the zero-interest loan to all first-time buyers, with no means conditions. The National Group also wanted to expand its reach, while Renaissance wanted to eliminate notary fees for first-time buyers. What will be the path to follow for the Barnier government?

While waiting to see things more clearly, for some there is a great temptation to postpone their purchase. Because committing to twenty-three years and six months (this is the average duration of credits for first-time buyers, according to the Bank of France) can make you dizzy. “The first purchase of a property is a highly structuring operation, it is the entrance to adulthood. Waiting is not necessarily a good solution »However, Pierre de Buhren, general director of Empruntis, believes.

Bonus rate

Beyond political uncertainties, some also prefer to wait for a new reduction in real estate loan rates. “As long as you are bankable, that is, you stay below the maximum borrowing rate of 35%, there is no reason to postpone your project for six months to earn some basis points of credit. believes Pierre de Buhren. Especially since now buyers can negotiate the price of the property. In a few months this may not be the case. »

In addition, banks currently offer specific offers for first-time buyers or those under 35 years of age, in particular mutual groups such as BPCE and Crédit Agricole. “They can obtain an endowment of up to 20,000 euros at a discounted rate of between 1% and 3%, or borrow for a term of thirty years, or with a reduced initial payment”says Sandrine Allonier, spokesperson for the Vousfinancer broker.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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