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HomeLatest NewsBarbate's killer crashed into another Civil Guard boat in 2010

Barbate’s killer crashed into another Civil Guard boat in 2010

The assassin of the civil guards of Barbate had already tried it 14 years ago without success. Karim El Baqqali, the 32-year-old Moroccan citizen arrested for piloting the drug boat that killed two guards on February 9, was ” sign “ by security forces since he collided with a Civil Guard patrol boat in 2010 and was identified for several caches of hashish allegedly linked to the organization of a powerful drug trafficker in his family known as Clan pus-pus.

Karim is already on his way to Puerto II Prison in Cadiz after the Court of First Instance and Investigation number 1 of Barbate (Cadiz) ordered this Friday, at the request of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, his entry into provisional prison, communicated and without bail. Initially, he is accused of two alleged crimes of murder, four crimes of attempted murder, six crimes of attack, one crime of smuggling and one crime of belonging to a criminal organization.

The murderer of the two civil guards of the port of Barbate blames the victims: “They were chasing me, I was trying to escape.” Karim El Baqqali testified yesterday in the presence of his lawyer at the command of the Civil Guard of Cadiz in a measured account to avoid any responsibility in the crime. As OKDIARIO learned, the pilot of the drug boat tried to give an image of humility and repentance in a measured statement in which he dared to blame the victims of the double crime.

“I tried to avoid it but I couldn’t”

“I apologize, I could not avoid the boat of the civil guards, I tried to avoid the car with a maneuver but I could not, it was an accident,” said the criminal with a long history of arrests in Spain and Morocco. Asked about the situation in which the deadly attack on the boat of the guards took place, the Moroccan drug trafficker did not hesitate to blame the guards: “They were chasing us, I was not driving the boat but since I do not drive either they forced me to be expert and I just wanted to escape from there.

Karim El Baqqali repeats the same version of events at the Instruction Court number 1 of Barbate, where he arrived guarded by Civil Guard agents at 8:40 am this Friday. The drug trafficker went yesterday Thursday at dawn to a beach in Barbate, where he arrived aboard a boat that dropped him off on land.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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