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HomeTechnologyThis is how the worrying fraud that impersonates Vodafone works: it begins...

This is how the worrying fraud that impersonates Vodafone works: it begins with the “wrong” delivery of a mobile phone

It is no secret that scams and frauds are becoming more sophisticated, realistic and more complicated to detect every day. The latest example is the one that Santiago Bustamante exposed on his social networks, in which he explains how he almost fell for a scam impersonating Vodafone, with which the user had contracted services.

According to a Twitter thread, this disturbing and surprising fraud begins with the arrival of a high-end smartphone, in this case, the new Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra, to your home on behalf of Vodafone when the user I didn’t even ask for it.

Worried about what happened, this man decides contact Vodafone by phoneand society They assure him that they have a record that he ordered this phone. and they explain that there is an associated cost in their rate of €35.30 per month with permanence and payments of 36 months.

Given this information, Bustamante explains that He did not ask for a phone number and Vodafone is investigating what happened. From the company they confirm that The one who asked for the phone was not him, and in fact the number that appears recorded does not belong to you and therefore You will be able to return the said smartphone free of charge.

But this is where the most worrying part begins, and that is that as soon as you hang up,receives another call where he introduces himself as “Vodafone verification”. In this, they apologize for what happened and tell him that they will solve it and After an hour, a suspicious courier shows up at the user’s door to pick up the cell phone.

This He has no confidence and decides not to deliver anythingwhich causes a barrage of calls from different fake numbers. As Bustamante explains, at this point he already knows it’s a scam, but to see how far he can go, the next time they call him he will pick up and thank them for the commercial offer.

The dialogue continues like this: What offer? – €4 per month for a year for the inconvenience. – No, I’ll send you the contract so you can see what they’re going to charge you, plus there was a mistake and that terminal was for someone else, please return it. When are you going to come home?

Immediately after You receive a contract, with the Vodafone logo and although the addresses are fake, they contained all your personal information because everything seems to indicate that the fraudsters had accessed Vodafone’s customer system.

At the same time, the user was between calls with the real Vodafone and the company’s impersonators, which made him extremely confused. Ultimately, this user He ended up going to a Correos Express agency himself to deliver the package. because the fake Vodafone used NACEX in two attempts to pick up the phone.

It is proven that today you cannot even trust your own shadow, and that When it seems suspicious, investigate carefully before acting.. Cybercrime is becoming increasingly sophisticated and Those who actually suffer the most serious consequences are the users.



Jack Wilshere
Jack Wilshere
My name is Jack Wilshere, and I am an author.


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