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“Begoña Gómez invents charges to sneak into Barajas”

The PP echoed the exclusive to OKDIARIO on the controversial use that Begoña Gómez made of the Barajas Chamber of Authorities in a video with which the popular They portrayed Pedro Sánchez for his autocratic profile. Thus, in memory of the No-Do of the Franco dictatorship, the party of Alberto Núñez Feijóo made a video with “LO-DO” by Sánchezincluding here the episode of his wife at the Madrid airport, where she used the authorities room with the position of “wife of the president” despite the fact that this figure is not allowed to do so, according to current regulations. Sánchez’s wife and one of his daughters They flew to Bristol (UK) on a commercial flight, being a private family trip, has nothing to do with an institutional action.

“Begoña invents accusations to sneak into airports,” the police denounced. popular on social networks following the exclusivity of this newspaper. A statement that was accompanied by a video with the “LO-DO” of the Sánchez government, which resembles the No-Do (Television News and Documentaries) of the Franco regime. And the leader of the PSOE and head of the Executive affirmed last Saturday before his people, at the Federal Committee of the party held in Ferraz, that he was going to govern with or without the help of the Legislative Power. Sánchez called for a Parliament that, according to him, “must be more constructive and less restrictive.”

This declaration of intentions of the socialist leader appears in the video “LO-DO”. “Noticiero-Sanchista” broadcast by the PP, as well as the exclusive OKDIARIO on Begoña Gómez and the latest announcement of the president of the government, that is, the attribution 20 million euros for the purchase of electric bicyclesboth for individuals and businesses, with the aim of promoting more sustainable mobility.

“The PSOE Federal Committee met this weekend and our leader received the support of his party colleagues, with the exception of one or two dissidents. Pedro Sánchez knows what is best for the Spanish people, no matter what Parliament says. So the important thing is to govern, there is nothing more,” begins the narrator of Sanchista NO-DO.

“Since the Spanish can no longer even think about buying a car, our president is going to subsidise the purchase of bicycles,” the television news continues about the latest rabbit pulled out of the Moncloa hat.

And he adds: “The one who doesn’t ride a bike is Begoña Gómez. They say he entered the authorities room at Barajas airport. “She’s our president’s wife, please!” the narrator points out, thus highlighting Sanchismo’s abuse of power. The band reproduces images exclusively from OKDIARIO where Begoña Gómez and one of her daughters appear on board the plane via a special ladder, thus avoiding the A8 boarding where dozens of people had to queue. In addition, the video also shows the title of the information from this newspaper published on September 11 and its header: “Begoña Gómez entered the authorities’ room with an invented ‘position’: ‘Wife of the president'”.

Last Wednesday, sources from Génova said that “the only thing in which Begoña Gómez is an authority is obtaining public funds for the companies that sponsor her promotions.”

The main opposition party thus alluded to the particular use that Sánchez’s wife made of public institutions for her businesses, a subject that is currently the subject of an investigation before the Madrid court. Begoña Gómez is accused for the alleged commission of the crimes of influence peddling and commercial corruption.

“It is one thing that she lives in the house of the President of the Government and another that she is the one who has the responsibility of leading the country,” said sources from the PP leadership, referring to Moncloa, the place where Begoña Gómez met the Aragonese businessman and guru of her chair, Carlos Barrabés (Sánchez also met him), as well as the rector of the Complutense University, Joaquín Goyache.

Furthermore, sources from the national leadership of the PP regretted that in light of this action by Begoña Gómez and her privileged treatment, “Sánchez insists that Spain consider his wife as a state authority.”

THE popular They highlighted the non-existence of the figure of “the wife of the president” in Spanish regulations. Specifically, it is a royal decree of 1983 that prohibits the wife of the head of government from using the authorities room of the Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas airport, since she is not among the authorized users.

For his part, the PP spokesman in Congress, Miguel Tellado, accused Pedro Sánchez, “accustomed to the comfort of the Falcon”, of having “imposed” that Begoña Gómez “does not travel like the rest of us”. “If he used the invented position to advance his career, how could he not use it to get on a plane?” Tellado said of the president’s wife in a message on social networks.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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