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“Begoña Gómez is an authority but in obtaining public funds”

Alberto Núñez Feijóo’s PP denounces the privileged treatment of Sánchez’s wife, Begoña Gomezat Barajas airport following the exclusive published by OKDIARIO on his boarding at Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas airport through the House of Authorities with an invented “position”, that of “wife of the president”, according to the internal document of her trip to Bristol (United Kingdom) revealed by this newspaper. Authorized sources from Genoa emphasize that “the only thing in which Begoña Gómez is an authority is in the process of obtaining public funds for companies that sponsor its promotions.

The main opposition party alludes to the particular use that Sánchez’s wife made of public institutions for their businesseswho is currently being investigated by a court in Madrid. Begoña Gómez is billed for the alleged commission of the crimes of influence peddling and corruption in business.

“It is one thing that she lives in the house of the President of the Government and another that she is the only one “He has the responsibility to lead the country.”point out the sources of the PP leadership, referring to Moncloa, the place where Begoña Gómez met the Aragonese businessman and guru of her chair, Carlos Barrabés (Sánchez also met him), and with the rector of the Complutense University, Joaquin Goyache.

THE popular They thus highlight the non-existence of the figure of the “president’s wife” in Spanish regulations. More precisely, it is a Royal Decree of 1983 the one that prevents the wife of the head of government from using the authorities room at Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas airport, since she is not among the authorized users.

It’s about regulation 20/99 of 1983 which restricts the use of the above-mentioned airport lounges to what are considered the high authorities of the State. However, as shown by what was published exclusively by OKDIARIO, Begoña Gómez gave herself this status of “authority” during her family trip to Bristol (England) as “wife of the president”. It was the last Monday, September 9th. I went next to one of his daughters and two other people. Pedro Sánchez was traveling in China.

Precisely, the sources of Genoa regret that, on the basis of this action, “Sanchez insists that Spain considers his wife as a state authority”. And the fact is that the party of the head of the Executive has tried to attribute this alleged condition to Begoña Gómez. The spokesperson of the PSOE in the Congress of Deputies, Patxi Lopezeven called Sanchez’s wife “president of the government.”

Official document from Aena that demonstrates the “authority” treatment reserved for Begoña Gómez.

Asked this Wednesday about the exclusivity of this newspaper in the halls of Congress, the deputy secretary of Economy of the PP, Juan Bravosaid that what was published is “one more example of what the Sánchez government is doing and what “He thinks it’s this country.”

OKDIARIO has published a Aena internal document where it is said that the Presidency of the Government has reserved the authorities room of Terminal 1 of Barajas on Sunday, September 8, 2024 for a commercial flight Madrid-Bristol scheduled for this Monday, September 9 at 9:45 p.m. The “message” is transmitted that the “protocol provided by the authority room T-1-2-3”The official document specifies that the operation is mounted with this justification: “Position: Wife of the President of the Government”. Then they include full name, date of birth, passport number, passport expiration date and nationality. Same with his three companions.

Restricted access

However, the aforementioned Royal Decree of 1983 specifies that the premises of the airport authorities are reserved for persons Casa del Rey, the president of the government – ​​not just his wife –, the ministers, the secretaries of statethe undersecretaries and general secretaries of the ministries, as well as the general directors of the police and the civil guard.

Also the Presidents of Congress and the Senatethe presidents of the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court and members of the judiciary. Also former presidents of the government, the leader of the opposition, the attorney general of the Republic, the president of the Council of State, the president of the Court of Auditors, the ombudsman, the Government delegates in the autonomous communitiesthe Governor of the Bank of Spain and the Chiefs of Staff of the Armed Forces. All of them, when the trip they are undertaking is official. The only exception is that of foreign officials and ambassadors, upon prior request. The MPs do not have access permit.

In addition, OKDIARIO published exclusive images on Tuesday of Begoña Gómez and her daughter boarding a commercial flight from EasyJet at Barajas Airport to Bristol (United Kingdom). They both boarded the plane by a special scale thus avoiding the A8 boarding point where dozens of people had to queue.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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