“I received almost a thousand messages in a few days and many insults. » The deputy (socialist dissident of the LIOT group) for Ariège, Martine Froger, did not imagine that her bill aimed at limiting the micro-enterprise regime to two years, presented on September 17, would unleash so much passion. “This was based on the observation that some artisans in my region cannot find staff because freelancers take away their work. “There is unfair competition.”explains. Exposed on social networks by microentrepreneurs who explained their attachment to this status and by a petition that collected more than 60,000 signatures, the elected woman finally withdrew her project.
Fifteen years after the creation of the self-employed regime (which became micro-entrepreneurs in 2016), independence continues to make a place for itself in the world of work. In 2023, microbusinesses will represent 63% of new businesses created. At the end of December 2023, according to Urssaf, France has 1.46 million economically active microentrepreneurs, who declare positive income. Unnoticed, they multiply in all sectors, although it is in construction, personal services and business consulting where we always find their largest contingents.
It came into effect on 1Ahem Since January 2009, this regime aimed to facilitate business creation, in particular to combat undeclared work, in a period of significant unemployment. In addition to the simplified creation procedures, the status of self-employed worker entails simplified socio-fiscal obligations: the owner only declares his turnover, with a reduced contribution and tax rate. It is not limited by duration, as long as the figure is below the ceilings (188,700 euros for a purchase-resale activity and 77,700 euros for a provision or service activity). It is also exempt from VAT below a certain threshold, allowing it to be more competitive.
The flexibility of the statute especially attracts former job seekers and young people. Sarah Pouvreau, 26-year-old music production director, has been a microentrepreneur since 2022: “I have a series of missions, I am also a DJ, I send my invoices to the same company. They pay me well, even if I give my 21% contribution. I am free to organize myself: I am currently in Thailand for a month and I am not stressed. »
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