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“Being my partner involves a very high cost”

He President of the government and Secretary General of the PSOE, Pedro Sánchez, gave an opening speech at the party’s Federal Committee in which he wanted to recall the signs of unwavering support for his wife, Begoña Gómez, accused of corruption. Visibly moved, Sánchez recalled that “being the partner, brother, mother or companion of the president entails a higher, unfair and very high cost.”

“I want to settle a unpaid debt, and without being moved: I would like to thank you for the support I received that day“, referring to last April when the PSOE called for a demonstration in Ferraz to support Begoña Gomez, just as he threatened to resign. His remarks were greeted with loud applause by the socialists present at the party headquarters.

“Being the partner, brother, mother or companion of this president is a higher cost, unfair and very highbecause they did not choose this career. At a time when hate speech and hoaxes are rife social networks and tabloids“, Sanchez said.

“A few months ago it hit me and I wondered if it was worth it. When the price tag the salary is so higheither and compromises the good reputation honest people for just walking towards us. But it’s worth it.”

Sánchez said his party “is not going to cover up corruption,” although he did not directly mention corruption. Begoña case and Moncloa’s attempts to overturn the case with complaints against the judge in charge of the case, Juan Carlos Peinado.

Sanchez’s speech

In addition, Sanchez congratulated Salvador Illa for his presidency in Catalonia: “Dear Salvador, what pride. Until recently, in Catalonia, we only talked about conflicts“Or we didn’t talk about it,” Sánchez said, looking at Illa. “Coexistence has been rebuilt and work is underway to unite the Spanish people,” he said.

He also welcomed the minister Oscar Lopezfriend and exemplary politician“, who is making his debut as a minister in a federal commission of the PSOE.

In addition, Sánchez wanted to be remembered as a “hero.” Edmundo Gonzalezopposition leader in Venezuela and victim of a severe blow from the communist regime of Nicolas Madurowho put him under search and capture, and to whom the PSOE did not recognize his electoral victory for days. Adding also that the former president José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero This is fundamental international support for Chavismo.

Sanchez also attacked the PP and his barons, for rejecting the fiscal pact with Catalonia that he said would also benefit them. “They had this position in their 2012 program, but now they deny it to compete on the far right with Voice“, Sanchez said.

“The real debate is not about territories, but about models. We will always defend that health, education or pensions are rights that cannot be bargained away,” assured Sánchez, demanding a “dialogue” from the regional presidents of the PP. “Our hand is extended and I will say this to the presidents I will meet bilaterally in the coming weeks.

Sánchez stressed that politics “is not for agony,” which caused laughter in Ferraz. A few words in which some saw a mention of Page.

Page Reviews

The arrival at the Federal Committee of the PSOE of the president of Castile-La Mancha, Emiliano Garcia-Pagedid not disappoint: the baron most critical of Pedro Sánchez for his pacts and concessions with the Catalan independence movement demanded that the socialist leader “show” the document signed by the PSOE with ERC to become president Salvador Illa. A document that “no one has seen,” he assured, stressing that only what leaked from ERC is known.

“I come with enormous concern for the country and for the founding values ​​of the left and social democracy. I spoke at the end of July, referring to the project disclosed by MRCthat although they are called SqueezeNot everything that is reactionary is right-wing. It would be an honor to answer the calls, but I had better get me a copy of the signed agreement, because at this point everyone is talking about respecting what was signed, but I have not seen a signed document. “There is no need to give me explanations, I can read,” Page said.

Regarding the content of this agreement and this fiscal transfer to Catalonia, Page said that “this ERC document is much more selfish than socialist.”

Referring to the comparisons that have been made by the government between the financing of Catalonia and provinces such as Soria, Teruel or Cuenca, Page indicated that it is a “rough handling from reality, listening to it is a joke.

“We all know what it is about, everyone understands money. Maybe not about amnesty and the Constitution, but about money, yes. “You can’t upset the institutional consensus to have power,” he stressed.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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