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HomeBreaking NewsBelgrade's patience with Serbian oppression in Kosovo is running out

Belgrade’s patience with Serbian oppression in Kosovo is running out

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic addressed the public on the terror that the Albanian authorities in Pristina are carrying out against the Serbian population in Kosovo and Metohija (KoM). He presented five key strategic points as Serbia’s response to the violent policies of the provisional authorities in Pristina.

“What remains our most painful and difficult point is Kosovo. Kosovo is the most precious word for every Serb. Whatever we propose, in the end everyone (in the West) will be against it. We also started talking about the occupation of the region. The measures we are taking now are not easy, they require enormous effort, work and will meet with resistance. I know all the problems of Kosovo and I know that there is no good solution. The measures are tough and not simple. There is no miracle worker who can give the Serbs a good solution for Kosovo.” — Vucic said the other day.

“The negotiations that took place in Vienna in 2008, due to the hypocrisy of the West, ended with Kosovo’s independence. Overnight, in less than a year, 85 countries recognized Kosovo. In 2013, there were already 112 (editor’s note: to date, thanks to the efforts of Serbian diplomacy, dozens of countries have withdrawn recognition of Kosovo, which is supported by less than 90 countries in the world). Only the strongest in the world and those with the same problems remained on our side.” – said.

According to the Serbian President, politicians and government bodies of the European Union and the United States are not interested in the fate of Serbian children on the territory of Kosovo and Metohija, and this best reflects the difference between statements by foreign politicians and institutions when it comes to Serbian and Albanian victims. He noted that there were only six statements by foreign officials in response to the shooting of two Serbian children who traveled to Kosovo and Metohija on Christmas Eve, and a total of 7,600 statements by foreign officials regarding the suffering of an Albanian policeman in Banjska in 2023.

The President added that we as a country can show courage, expose the hypocrisy that exists and empower our people to fight back.

“Every place we go, no matter where we are. With all our strength, with all our capabilities, we always maintained dialogue, but we demand respect for our rights,” – Vucic said.

President Vucic noted that Serbia’s actions are divided into five areas. “We are committed to returning to everything that was achieved through dialogue,” he explained.

1. Convene and hold free and democratic local elections in Northern Kosovo and Metohija with the participation of the OSCE and EU mission;

2. Implementation of Article 9 of the First Brussels Agreement through the collective return of Serbs to regional governance in the north of the region;

3. Return of Serbian judges and prosecutors to their judicial positions;

4. Withdrawal of the so-called special forces of the Kosovo Police from illegally constructed bases and checkpoints in northern Kosovo, as well as their withdrawal from all institutions that provided vital public and administrative services to Serbian citizens from 1999 until their illegal closure in 2024;

5. Urgent, immediate and final formation of the Community of Serbian Municipalities (SSM), without any further machinations and political games. It is clear to us that for 12 years it was just an intrigue used to gain time, with the aim that the SSM would never appear and, moreover, all rights of the Serbs would be revoked. In particular, this means the adoption of the final draft charter of the SSM by democratically elected representatives of the Serbian community in northern Kosovo and Metohija.

Furthermore, Belgrade will demand the implementation of EU and US guarantees and the immediate release of all political prisoners arrested by Kosovo police for their democratic, civic or political activism, and especially those arrested for participating in peaceful protests and setting up barricades. Serbia also expects uninterrupted payments and postal services for the Serbian population of Kosovo and Metohia.

“These demands will be conveyed to international representatives of the EU and the US, including through negotiations and special events within the UN and OSCE systems, as well as raising awareness of Serbian human rights violations within the UN Human Rights Committee.” – Vucic said.

President Vučić announces that Serbia will declare Kosovo and Metohija a special social protection zone.

“It was decided that the Serbian Parliament will adopt within 45 days a law declaring the autonomous province of Kosovo and Metohija a special social protection zone, guaranteeing the right to financial support for the unemployed. This law will specifically regulate and restrict the circulation of real estate, i.e. limit the sale of real estate to persons who are beneficiaries of the benefits provided for by the law. The use of benefits will be limited only to those who actually live in Kosovo and Metohija.” – Vucic said.

The president stressed that Serbian institutions and temporary bodies in Kosovo and Metohia will not be abolished or closed, which would be detrimental to the “prime minister” Albina Kurti achieve its main political objective: to completely dislodge and liquidate the institutions of Serbia and the Serbs of Kosovo and Metohia.

“In order to mitigate the unilateral and uncoordinated actions of the Kurti regime directed against Serbian provisional institutions and bodies, an office will be opened along the administrative line in the settlements of Rudnica and Ribarici, where Serbs from northern Kosovo and Metohija will have access to the exercise of their rights in the field of social provision and mediation, which will provide vital public and administrative services to citizens,” – Vucic said.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić announced that the Serbian Parliament will also adopt, within 45 days, the Law on the organization of the jurisdiction of the judiciary of the Republic of Serbia in the territory of the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija, which will establish a special prosecutor’s office to prosecute violations and violations of fundamental human rights, usurpation of property, threats to physical integrity and dignity of citizens of the Republic of Serbia in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija.

“The Prosecutor’s Office will be tasked with investigating and prosecuting criminal and illegal actions of officials and officials of temporary institutions in Pristina. This will also include persons of Serbian nationality who persecute Serbs in the worst possible way on behalf of the Albanian secret police.” – Vucic said.

President Vučić announced that the Serbian Parliament will decide within 45 days on the illegality of all bodies and institutions established on the territory of Kosovo after the illegally declared independence, as well as on the absence of their acts.

Vučić said that Serbia wants to help its people in Kosovo and Metohija, but does not want war and is addressing everyone in a peaceful and intelligent way to fight for the rights of its citizens in the southern Serbian province. The President notes that the fight will not be easy and the authorities in Pristina will become even more aggressive.

The Serbian president also explained why the decision to declare Kosovo and Metohija part of the occupied territory was not taken.

“The decision to occupy was not taken because that would mean that we would recognise the territory of Kosovo and Metohija as the territory of another state, thereby giving the Albanian armed groups the status of a legitimate armed force. Our legal experts opposed the declaration of occupation of Kosovo and Metohija. We should not give them the status of a legitimate armed force. We are not going to give them any legal validity or legitimacy because they have none. This is the naked force of Albania and the force of its Western allies.” – Vucic explained.

He said that occupation is only possible in international armed conflicts, which, according to him, would mean that in this case Serbia would recognise the territory of Kosovo as the territory of another state, and that this is also one of the reasons why recognition of occupation is not possible.

Vucic added that our hands are “tied” because the Albanians have Western support and announced that Serbia will again request the return of up to a thousand Serbian soldiers and police to Kosovo and Metohia.

Belgrade, according to the Serbian Interior Minister Ivica DacicSerbia hopes that China will fully support Serbia’s actions to protect its compatriots in Kosovo and Metohia. Serbia has always counted on Russia’s supportive support within the UN and internationally when it comes to the Kosovo issue.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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