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Bernabéu residents are winning the war against noise for now: “We don’t trust each other, we continue”

There will be no more concerts at the Santiago Bernabéu until at least April 2025. This was announced yesterday afternoon by Relevo. The cause is the neighborhood conflict over the noise caused by the musical events that the renovated Real Madrid stadium has hosted since last April. The continuous complaints of the neighbors have forced the sports entity to carry out additional works since last June to obtain more effective soundproofing and comply with the noise ordinance. The noise pollution has caused a legal battle between the residents of the area and the white club, which forces the Concha Espina entity to take this matter very seriously if it wants to continue hosting concerts in its stadium, one of the new and powerful sources of noise. income that Real Madrid has established with the renovation of its field. It should be remembered that Madrid signed a contract for 360 million euros with the investment groups Sixth Street and Legends Hospitality, in which 70% of the profits from the events are held. The stadium must go directly to the white coffers. To give you an idea, Taylor Swift generated 13 million euros with her two concerts, 9 of which went to the Madrid coffers. The five postponed concerts do not have the cachet of Swift, but it is clear that it will be an income that, for the moment, the club will have to postpone. In addition, since then, the fines imposed on promoters have not stopped; The latest case, that of the Aventura concert, a week ago, despite a limited schedule, until eleven at night. The decision, according to the sports newspaper Vocento, was taken by Madrid to calm tensions in the neighborhood and take a period of six months to carry out the fencing work on the upper part of the facade that overlooks the nearest homes. The white club is also following the instructions given by the Madrid City Council, which has asked the Concha Espina entity for a definitive solution. The measure is therefore the suspension of concerts scheduled until April next year. The legal proceedings are taking place in parallel: on October 24, the club’s legal representatives are called to testify for an environmental offense. It is unfortunate that an artist of his level does not respect environmental standards and presents an image of irresponsibility that can seriously harm the entire sector,” criticizes the Palacio de los Deportes venue. This means that the events of Music Bank, a K-Pop festival (October 12), Dellafuente (November 15), Aitana (December 28 and 29) and Lola Índigo (March 22) will be postponed to other dates. The Catalan announced last night that her recitals would be moved to June 27 and 28, on the same stage. The priority is to solve the acoustic problems of the concerts at the Bernabéu and, although Madrid hopes that these six months will be enough to solve them, no one can guarantee that this will be the case. In the Chamartín neighborhood, the news has been delivered with great caution. There are already too many concerts and “deceptions”, complain the neighbors. Constituted in the stands against the noise of the stadium and also with another voice notable, that of Nicolás, author of the account @RuidoBernabéu, on the social network Madrid. However, he received it with extreme coldness: “I do not trust the result of what they intend to do,” he said, in reference to the intention of the white club to give this break as a continuation until in April they have solved the shortcomings. that they make the noise escape and explode in the ears of the neighbors. “The Bernabéu is a structure impossible to soundproof 100%,” he says. “A tactical retreat” “I have a lot of trouble reaching the maximum acoustic levels without exceeding them, because it would have to be completely closed and air-conditioned. “, insists Nicolás. , with a hard message towards Real Madrid, the City Council of the capital and the Community: “They have understood that they have to stop plugging the little holes [de la estructura del estadio, por donde más se fuga el sonido ensordecedor durante las actuaciones]”And he issues a warning: “We are not going to let this go until we are assured that we live next to a stadium, and not in a stadium.” When asked if he considers the temporary suspension of Real Madrid concerts a victory, Nicolás replies: “A tactical withdrawal of the enemy is always good news, but I don’t trust it at all.” Inmaculada Ramos, lawyer and secretary of the Neighborhood Initiative for the Defense of the Environment and Against the Paseo de La Habana-Padre Damián Tunnel, considers it “at least a temporary achievement”: “It means knowing that during these remaining months there will be no concerts, there will not be such an influx of traffic, there will not be noise that far exceeds the permitted decibels. madrid_dia_0703But he also limits this joy: “We hope, however, that Real Madrid and the City Council will realize that these concerts should no longer be postponed, but suspended definitively. “What we want is for Real Madrid not to organize concerts in a stadium.”


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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