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Bildu and the Chivite government rehearse their annual “theatre” for the already agreed budgets

No one has the slightest doubt that Pictures will support the budget to introduce you chivite thus respecting the agreement reached after the last elections in which Chivite would give them power Pamplona City Hall, Community of the Pamplona Region and Federation of Municipalities and Communes of Navarre in exchange for their support investment (him and Sánchez in Madrid) and approval of budgets.

Everything else is a bet. This Friday they organized it again when everything has already been agreed and agreed upon, and the only thing that is at stake and this is how they are defending it tooth and nail, is to what extent point the game for Euskera will increase and how many hundreds of thousands of euros will be available to give to their friends in the process of amendments.

Thus, this first meeting between the Government of Navarre and Bildu follows the tone of “very good air”no one is missing.

Once the spending ceiling was approved during the government session of September 13, the vice-presidents of the Government of Navarre, Félix Taberna, Ana Ollo and Begoña Alfaro with the Minister of Economy and Finance, Jose Luis Arastímet the spokespersons of the EH Bildu parliamentary group, Laura Aznal and Adolfo Araiz.

As explained in media statements, Spokesperson for EH Bildu, Laura Aznalthe attitude of the Abertzales is “proactive and willing to come to an agreement” and they have noted a “receptivity” on the part of the Regional Executive.

“We have put on the table some of thes points that have not been fulfilled compared to the previous agreement. And now a clear roadmap, next week we must have all the preliminary projects. To see what the priorities are and what they want to spend the spending cap on,” he said.

For his part, the the president of the UPN, Cristina Ibarrola, He described the meeting as a “bet” since, according to him, “they discussed and agreed everything. “I agree yes or yes, because EH Bildu is the guarantee for Chivite and Sánchez to stay in their seats and they are ready to make any transfer to stay in power.”

For Ibarrola, “this episode shows the Idyllic and preferential relationship between the PSN and EH Bildu. The radical nationalist formation is one more of the government by originally conditioning all the policies of the departments. It decides once again what policies to apply in Navarre and this, of course, is not positive because it means supporting the deterioration of public services, a fiscal policy that tears away middle incomes, workers, families and self-employed people and an economic policy which, far from attracting, scares away investments.

“In reality, the person responsible for the budgetwho marks them and guides them, is EH Bildu and the other partners are subordinate to this privileged alliance. The PSN decides once again to throw itself into the arms of the radical nationalist formation and to continue the fiscal and social setback in Navarre,” he added.

Likewise, he denounced that “the PSN is once again rolling out the red carpet at EH Bildu, Whether Chivite and Sánchez will remain in power depends on their votes. If, a few days ago, Otegi committed to ensuring stability and approving Sánchez’s budgets, we have no doubt that he will continue to be not only the support of the Chivite government, but also the main inspiration for its policy.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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