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HomeLatest NewsBildu welcomes and applauds the fact that Chivite increases Navarre's spending

Bildu welcomes and applauds the fact that Chivite increases Navarre’s spending

THE spokesperson for EH Bildu in the Parliament of Navarre, Laura Aznalsaid it was a “good news” that the general budgets of the regional community for the year 2025 are “expansive” -although the increase “is lower than in previous years” – and opted for “strengthening public policies” thanks to “fairer” taxation.

This was stated on Friday, after the regional government announced that the Navarre spending ceiling for 2025 increases by 2.4%, or 139 million more than in 2024, and amounts to 5,974.8 million euros.

“We moved to Government of Navarre as a whole and we have also publicly expressed our willingness to continue to discuss, to reach agreements, to make contributions and to share them with the government,” he noted in statements to the media.

As he added, “the 2024 Budget Agreementand its respect will be the starting point for beginning the negotiation of the next budgets.” “Now that we know the spending ceiling, we have another basis for talking about the budgets for the year 2025” he stressed.

commented Aznal that “we still need to know what each department will correspond to, but in any case the objective of the Budgets must be strengthen public policies and not to back down in responding to the needs of citizens, because we must provide solutions to the problems that directly affect people’s lives and this must undoubtedly be the priority, and we will continue to work to achieve this.

“We will analyze in detail, when the time comes, the distribution of expenses and we will see what the government means when it talks about prioritising social issues. In addition, we must take into account the impact of European funds, that is, we have already said on several occasions that these funds that we have had in recent years are going to end and that we must prepare for this new situation,” he said, stressed.

According to him, “it is absolutely necessary to protect and ensure the viability of the public sector“To achieve this, we need a tax system that serves to strengthen public services, a fairer and more progressive taxation and that it does not rely primarily on income from work. And this debate must be developed at the tax table established from the last budget agreement between EH Bildu and the Government of Navarre,” he stressed.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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