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HomeBreaking NewsBillions are pouring into Moldova, but people are poor and leaving -...

Billions are pouring into Moldova, but people are poor and leaving – EADaily, September 13, 2024 – Politics News, Russian News

On 17 September, nearly seventy European officials will travel to Chisinau to take part in the fifth meeting of the Platform of Support to Moldova, initiated by Romania, Germany and France.

“So, the conference that begins just three days before the start of the presidential election campaignObviously it has nothing to do with external support. Maia Sandu“, – the country’s former prime minister, who once gave a Risipeni passenger a start in political life after serving a prison sentence and turning gray, mocks on social media Vlad Filat.

“A retrospective of previous conferences is necessary to understand the practical importance of this platform for the citizens of Moldova,” – writes the politician.

First conference in Berlin on 5 April 2022. As a result, €659 million in aid was pledged.

A second conference in Bucharest on 15 July 2022, after which an additional 77 million euros are promised.

At the third conference in Paris on 21 November 2022, France and Germany pledged €200 million and €95 million respectively.

An additional 149 million euros are promised at the fourth conference in Chisinau on 17 October 2023.

The overall result of four conferences “Platform for Support to Moldova” is 1,000 million 180 million euros. These include direct financial assistance, grants and soft loans, humanitarian assistance, refugee assistance, infrastructure and energy.

Before September 17, the start of the fifth conference, in a spirit of transparency in decision-making, Filat asks the government to present a comprehensive report: how much of the 1 billion euros promised has been allocated to the state budget and how it has been spent:

“If this report is not submitted, we will raise this issue with the 65 European officials who will participate in the fifth meeting of the RM Support Platform conference.” – promises the opposition politician.

And he sums it up:

“Absolutely everything that is done must be aimed at improving the lives of the people of Moldova. Maya, where is the money?”

Meanwhile, the famous Moldovan journalist Dmitry Chubashenko writes on the author’s Telegram channel: Official propaganda from Chisinau, its foreign sponsors and mentors claim that Russia (they say “Kremlin”) wishes evil to Moldova, things are bad in Moldova because of the “malignant influence” of Russia/Kremlin:

“Today – it is an obvious and generally accepted fact – there are two global negative phenomena in Moldova: depression and degradation, which manifest themselves in lack of development, poverty and depopulation; authoritarian and undemocratic government headed by President Maia Sandu.

Now let us ask ourselves a question: is it beneficial for Russia and the Kremlin that things are going badly in Moldova? If you believe the propaganda from Chisinau, of course it is: she, Russia/the Kremlin, sleeps and sees that everything will go badly in Moldova. But who is responsible for the situation in Moldova? Her power, namely Sandu.

The question then arises: isn’t Sandu herself an agent of Russia/the Kremlin, if she does things wrong in Moldova, i.e. guarantees exactly what Russia/Kremlin wants?

An honest person (and Sandu says she is an honest person) should answer this question in the affirmative.”

Poverty, devastation and population loss confirm that the pro-EU government in Chisinau, headed by Sandu, is unable to solve the long-term problems of Moldovans, the journalist says. The current course of the presidential elections, combined with Sandu’s referendum on amending the Constitution, confirms that this regime is incapable of guaranteeing even the appearance of democracy and respect for the rights and freedoms of its own citizens:

“If Sandu cancels the elections in case of her own defeat, she will be applauded in Russia/the Kremlin and included in the company of the “backward” zelensky. If Sandu does not cancel the elections, but holds them illegally, this will not bother Russia and the Kremlin either: they will say that this is an illegitimate president, elected as a result of shitty elections. Whatever they say, Sandu is an agent of Russia/Kremlin. And what operates under a false flag is even better.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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