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HomeLatest Newsbillions of websites in danger due to an inexplicable phenomenon

billions of websites in danger due to an inexplicable phenomenon

Billions of websites are in danger due to the arrival of a phenomenon unexplainable that can affect us completely. Without a doubt, we must recognize that this way of keeping an eye on the networks and pages that we visit can have more than one surprise in store for us. These days it is almost impossible to discover that we are dealing with some form of addiction. It would be difficult for us to go back, to eliminate the Internet from our lives, it would be almost impossible. We are undoubtedly facing a process that can be important.

If we think about it, it wasn’t that long ago that we had the Internet in almost every home. We come from a time when information was obtained from books. The telephone directory in which all landlines were listed previously called houses, not people. Just like business or anything else that nowadays we begin to experience in the first person, with the help of a very clear knowledge of what awaits us. Without a doubt, we are faced with a series of details that mark our life.

The Internet suffers its first mass disappearance

Many people have begun to discover that the Internet It’s not a limitless place. Even if we don’t see it physically, it occupies a place in the world, so the information may be in a cloud that connects directly to a physical plane, it occupies a memory that we have to account for.

Therefore, we must be aware of a series of details that can fully affect us and that will be those that will accompany us in these next days that await us. It is time to bet clearly on certain facts which are fundamental and which will really end up being those which will mark a before and an after.

Science gives us reason to sound some alarm. In the same way that we do not know how to live without the Internet, it seems that in the coming days we will have to face a massive disappearance of web pages. This Wild West which was the beginning of the Internet, where everyone wanted to have their own space, has perhaps gone down in history.

We will have to be very aware of a series of elements that will be present in this daily life that we have before us and that we may not have taken into account until now.

Billions of websites at risk due to an inexplicable phenomenon

An inexplicable phenomenon worries many experts who do not hesitate to warn that something is happening with the Internet. Specialists are surprised by a series of details that seem to go together and can have more than one completely unexpected surprise in store for us.

EcoNews is the specialized media that provided the most data about this strange phenomenon: “The Internet, once considered an eternal archive of human wisdom, is becoming increasingly unstable. New research reveals that a growing portion of the web is disappearing, leaving a vast void behind. According to the Pew Internet & American Life Project, an alarming number: 39% of all active websites in 2013 have already disappeared. Even newer pages disappear quickly, raising serious concerns. This phenomenon raises a frightening question: Can we sustain the Internet for future generations, or is our digital history at risk of being lost forever? At the forefront of the fight to preserve this digital heritage is the Internet Archive, a nonprofit organization dedicated to keeping our past alive online.

Continuing with the same explanation: “Founded in 1996 by Brewster Kahle, the Internet Archive is one of the leading digital preservation companies. As a complete digital library, it stores web pages, books, videos and much more. To date, the archives have preserved 866 billion web pages, 44 million books and 10.6 million videos. Its most recognized feature, the Wayback Machine, allows users to revisit deleted or modified websites, providing a glimpse into the past through a unique “Internet time machine.” But this monumental effort faces serious challenges. Financial, technological, and legal obstacles threaten the Internet Archive’s mission. In 2023, the organization suffered a legal blow when a court ruled against the digitization and lending of books, accusing it of violating copyright laws. The move not only hampers its book preservation efforts, but also casts doubt on the future of its broader mission. Additionally, the Internet Archive faces significant technical vulnerabilities. In May 2024, the organization suffered a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack, which exposed its vulnerability to cyber threats. If the archive fails, a significant part of the digital world as we know it could be lost forever.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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