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HomeLatest NewsBimbo proposes ERE to 166 workers and closes its Valladolid plant

Bimbo proposes ERE to 166 workers and closes its Valladolid plant

Bimbo proposes an ERE to 166 workers and closes its Valladolid plant, as announced by the workers’ commissions after the meeting between the company and the works council. This closure will also affect 40 indirect jobs, according to CCOO’s calculations. This newspaper contacted Bimbo, who did not respond to this media’s request at the time of publication of this information.

According to the union, it is planned to form a negotiating commission on September 25, and then a period of at least 30 days will open for consultations on the ERE. The president of the works council, Félix Fernández (CCOO), hopes that when the negotiations begin, “the real causes of the closure” will be explained and that there will be an approach to avoid layoffs.

The meeting “seemed ordinary” until the national head of human resources and the head of operations joined the meeting and announced the closure of the plant because the company “does not achieve the necessary economic indicators in Spain.” CCOO assures that the Valladolid plant is “totally viable,” with positive economic indicators and “the lowest wages” of the rest of the plants in Spain. The works council is already meeting with workers from all shifts to inform them of the situation at the plant. The UGT, the other union represented on the committee, has not yet responded to this media outlet.

This closure would be added to a season of closures of Bimbo factories in Spain, which has already affected El Vergel (Alicante) or Paracuellos (Madrid). In Castile and León, Bimbo has another factory that it bought two years ago from Siro in Medina del Campo (Valladolid), but it is responsible for manufacturing different products.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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