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HomeLatest NewsBioparks call for awakening the animal essence of the human species

Bioparks call for awakening the animal essence of the human species

As far as we know, the human species is the most intelligent and most developed of all. A fact that may have favored an anthropocentric view of the universe and acting with absolute arrogance, understanding that “everything” belongs to us. Today, October 4, is celebrated as World Animal Day, an event in honor of Saint Francis of Assisi and endorsed by the United Nations Universal Declaration of Animal Rights. When science warns that a species disappears every 10 minutes, the BIOPARC with the Foundation and the parks of Fuengirola, Valencia and the Gijón Aquarium They want to activate our animal essence and develop our astonishing abilities to motivate an approach towards the rest of living beings and for our own intelligence to be at the origin of our commitment to their well-being.

The BIOPARC concept is born from this admiration for the beauty of nature and the animal world, by bringing a “little piece” of this fauna to the centers of cities to bring it closer to society through impressive reconstructions of some of the most beautiful habitats and threatened with extinction. our planet. The aim is to awaken empathy towards animals and stimulate a change in attitude towards their protection. In this sense, in addition to visiting the parks of Fuengirola, Valencia and the Aquarium of Gijón, direct actions for the conservation of endangered species are promoted ex situ and in situ through the BIOPARC Foundation.

Dissemination is also essential to know not only the wonderful species that the BIOPARC shelters, but also to be platforms for citizen meetings and promote education about our treatment, our respect and our relationships with the closest animals such as pets and wildlife in our environment. To achieve this, special activities are organized such as the Wild Ocean FilmFest (WOFF), lectures, lectures, tours and traditional dog parades to promote adoption.

Today is also the day to value the work of people who care for animals, a date to commemorate a dedication and a vocation which, in most cases, goes beyond strict work. Conservation institutions such as BIOPARC They have highly qualified teams who dedicate themselves “body and soul” to providing all the necessary care to the animals in their care. Veterinary care professionals and specialized staff who tackle enormous challenges according to scientific criteria, such as guaranteeing the survival of the most endangered species through controlled breeding, while ensuring the maximum well-being of each animal.

He World Animal Day This gives us the opportunity to continue the legacy of people who share and pass on the love and respect for animals. Now is the time to learn to “look” at everything we share with other species, knowing them, appreciating them, defending them and protecting them will be the best legacy we can leave as human beings, knowing that we we are animals and the closer we are. reach them, the better our people will be.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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