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HomeLatest NewsBishops deny responsibility for abuse victims' data leak scandal

Bishops deny responsibility for abuse victims’ data leak scandal

The bishops reject the buck and dissociate themselves from any responsibility in the scandal of the leak of data on victims of sexual abuse in the Church which is being investigated by the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) and which could lead to a fine of a million dollars. . in addition to prison sentences for those responsible. A leak that occurred after the rushed publication of the report give lightprepared by the current press chief of the EEC, Josetxo Vera, with the support of the one who was the “mole” of the bishops of the Cremades law firm, Alfredo Dagnino (and current director of Compliance of the Episcopal Conference), with the objective of hiding the audit that the bishops themselves commissioned from the law firm and whose conclusions were too critical of the bishops’ actions.

“It is an assessment that you make, which I respect but which I do not share,” responded the spokesperson for the CEE, César García Magán, to questions from various media on the status of the complaint that the victims have presented to the AEPD, and which This was classified “very serious” by the agency. The prelate denied that there had been “any notification” on this subject, at least officially, although he clarified shortly after that the AEPD had asked them for a series of data “which have already been provided”. “At the moment he is deciding whether this leak is the responsibility of the Episcopal Conference, which we do not believe in, or another body.” “I am not going to specify who was responsible for data processing,” he said, in the umpteenth fight that the bishops have had with the Cremades law firm since the “non-publication” of the anti -abuse.

What the bishops presented, but only at the internal level, was the “update” of the controversial report “To shed light” which motivated the data leak, even if “no date has been defined for its publication.

Compensation in the air

In this Permanent Commission, the advisory commission began to function which will determine, where appropriate, the compensation of the victims, and which includes a victim who, Magán clarified, is not there because of his condition, but “in as a member of an association. to help the victims. At this stage, the Episcopal Conference asked “to let the commission work freely”. At the same time, he announced that CEE and Confer would organize an event for the victims for which there is still no date. “It is possible that the issue will be discussed during the November plenary,” he concluded.

The bishops were explicit in condemning the Council of Ministers’ agreement to repeal the crime of insulting religious feelings, which, in their view, will mean that “all believers will be affected by a process of impotence.” For the episcopal spokesperson, “it is striking that, when today there are people’s feelings which are protected, there are others which not only are not protected, but are reduced to nothing” .

“With this rule – he added – we reduce the religious dimension, which will no longer be a legal asset that must be protected”. At the same time, he insisted that “the right to religious freedom is a fundamental right recognized in the Constitution” and that the repeal agreed by the government (and which must be approved by the Congress of Deputies) will place the Spain in first place. the tail of the defense of religious rights. “What the government says is not true. Of the 27 EU countries, 21 have supervision, and only 6 do not. And once approved, not in Spain either.”

At the same time, the EEC spokesperson regretted the abortion figures in our country, which he described as “a great shame”, while deploring that “we are one of the countries, and not only with this government, which helps the least with the birth rate. has in Europe. “It’s a social and sociological shame.”

In another order of things, the episcopal spokesperson evaluated the possible visit of the Pope to the Canary Islands, of which he declared having “no news”, while specifying that, if it occurred, it would take place on a direct flight. between Rome and the archipelago, he ensured that the bishops defend the Archbishop of Burgos, Mario Iceta, in his fight with the former excommunicated Poor Clares of Belorado – “He has the patience of holy Job and the mercy of the prodigal son, even if his daughters do not want to return home,” he argued – and he did not want to get involved in the fight between the bishopric of Barbastro-Monzón and the Opus Dei of Torreciudad: “May the Holy See decided “.

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Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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