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BNG will ask Feijóo to appear before the Galician Parliament to explain the Xunta’s contracts with his sister

The BNG will request the appearance of the PP leader, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, before the Galician Parliament’s commission of inquiry into the Xunta’s relations with Eulen, the company in which his sister is a director, the model chosen for the construction of the Álvaro Cunqueiro hospital in Vigo and the emergency contracts during the pandemic. They will also request explanations from the current president of the Xunta, Alfonso Rueda.

The national spokesperson of the BNG, Ana Pontón, asks the PP not to use its absolute majority to veto these appearances, as it has done so far to reject the creation of the commission or for Rueda to give explanations to the Galician Chamber about Álvaro Cunqueiro. This Friday, the nationalist party registered the request for the creation of the commission of inquiry using the provision of the Parliament’s regulations that allows this instrument to be promoted if it is supported by 25 deputies from the same group. This is the figure – which represents a third of the total seats – that the BNG has precisely.

“It would be a lack of respect for democracy and the Galicians and a declaration of guilt if Feijó and Rueda refused to appear before this Parliament to clarify the contracts they have concluded,” Pontón told the media, reports Europa Press. The BNG, he added, wants to “shed light where the PP only wants there to be darkness.” For Pontón, the PP’s “shameful veto” on the establishment of this parliamentary body “is a declaration of guilt,” which is why he defended the need for “control” through an investigation in the Autonomous Legislative Assembly “how the “public resources” of Galicia are managed in the face of “evidence” that there are “irregularities” that “not only highlight the BNG,” but “also highlight” the control bodies of the Xunta itself, such as the Consello de Contas.”

He stressed that the objective is to shed “light” on the “overcost” of 470 million euros for the privatized construction of the Álvaro Cunqueiro hospital in Vigo, reported by the Consello de Contas in a report published this summer, and on the way in which the Xunta “manually” hired both for emergencies during the pandemic and in its relations with companies such as Eulen, which “reaches figures of more than 4 billion euros.”

In Pontón’s words, there is “evidence” that the Xunta has favored “friendly” companies linked “to senior PP officials”, among which Eulen stands out, which, as he recalled, has Micaela Núñez, sister of Alberto Núñez Feijóo. , as head of the northwest zone.

“We want light, transparency and knowing the truth,” said Pontón, who called for the constitution of the commission to begin “as soon as possible”, for which the nationalists will present a “rigorous and detailed” work plan that, in addition to the requests for documentation that the PP “has been boycotting for two years” before reaching Parliament, there will be requests for appearances, among which are those of Rueda and Feijóo.

For Pontón, “it would be a shame” if the PP used its absolute majority to “veto any of these appearances”, because that would mean “a huge lack of respect” for the Galicians and “a declaration of guilt” regarding the contracts that the Xunta has signed in recent years with Rueda and Feijóo as top managers.

“We hope that the PP will not use its majority again as a bar that prevents transparency and the democratic functioning of the institutions,” said Pontón, who stressed that the people should not “prevent” that “the issues are really clarified” “so serious” on which the Galicians demand “answers”.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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