A group of people found this afternoon the lifeless body of the bather missing since Sunday on the Valencian beach of Massalfassar, next to Pobla de Farnals.
This was shared on social media by the Valencian Community’s Digital Emergency Volunteer Team (VOST), which also reported the deactivation of the search device for this person, a man in his fifties.
Several boats resumed the search for the swimmer this morning, in a system coordinated by the Maritime Rescue in coordination with the Red Cross, the Provincial Firefighters Consortium of Valencia, the Civil Guard, the National Police and the Local Police, among others.
According to the Maritime Rescue, the search began from the northern quay of the port of Valencia by the Red Cross ship LS Tomás Marco, joined by another from the Firefighters Consortium, both coordinated from the Valencia Rescue Center.
THE lifeguard services for Malvarrosa beaches (Valence) and the Patacona (Alboraya) so that they pay special attention to it.
In addition to the maritime and aerial searches (the firefighters deployed several drones in the take-off zone today), a land search device also remained active, report the same sources.