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Bolaños calls it “the most ridiculous outrage” that the PP accuses Sánchez of trying to establish an “autocracy”

The Minister of the Presidency, Justice and Relations with the Cortes, Félix Bolaños, attributed this Tuesday to the PP “the most ridiculous outrage” for basing his opposition on calling the president of the government, Pedro Sánchez, an autocrat.

Bolaños responded in this way to the PP spokesperson in the Senate, Alicia García, at the beginning of the first session of government control of this legislature, after considering that what Sánchez said to the leaders on Saturday was typical of the PSOE dictatorships that the legislator could continue although parliamentary support for passing laws is declining.

The President of the Government declared, before the senior officials of his party, that there is an Executive “for the long term” and that his intention is to continue “with or without the support of a Legislative Power that must be more constructive and less restrictive.” “Mr. Bolaños, explain to us how you plan to govern without a Parliament,” García said three days later.

“To stop being a democracy,” she answered herself. “That’s what they call autocracy and dictatorship, that’s the Sanchismo style: contempt for democracy and lies with no future. That’s why his voters and the socialist leaders who still believe in the Constitution neither support nor applaud him.”

After listening to García, the minister greeted him from his seat after the parliamentary recess, adding: “Time has passed but you are still in autocracy, dictatorship, in the the most ridiculous enormity.”

Then, intervening again, the PP spokesman reiterated that Sánchez “despises democracy” and imitates the “dictator” Venezuelan Nicolás Maduro, of whom he is an “accomplice” for not recognizing that Edmundo González Urrutia is the legitimate president.

“The first thing that must be demanded of any government is that it protects the State, in your case it is the opposite, you must protect the State,” said García.

Bolaños, resuming his speech, was surprised that a parliamentary intervention “as formidable, as apocalyptic and as absurd” as that of the PP spokesman had raised his colleagues from their seats, which shows “how the PP”, because “it has never had such a low level among its leaders”.

“In a centrist and reasonable party, you would cease to be a spokesperson, but your party comes out en masse to applaud the collection of absurdity what he just said,” the minister noted.




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