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HomeBreaking NewsBorrell asks Ukraine to use European weapons to attack targets in Russia

Borrell asks Ukraine to use European weapons to attack targets in Russia

“These courageous people surprised the world by launching a bold attack on Russiawhich demonstrates that Putin’s story was completely false.” This is what he was referring to. Joseph Borrell to the incursion launched in recent weeks by the government of Volodymyr Zelensky in the Russian province of Kursk. An operation which, according to its Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dmytro Kulebacompletely changes the dynamics of the conflict: “We have once again shown everyone that we can win.”

Kuleba was the star guest at the meeting of foreign ministers held in Brussels on Thursday, the first after the summer holidays. A meeting that should have taken place in Budapest given that Hungary holds the six-monthly presidency of the EU Council, but Borrell decided to base himself in the Belgian capital in retaliation for the self-proclaimed “peace mission” that Viktor Orbán undertook in July, with visits to Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping And Donald Trump violating the EU common position.

The EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy has called on all member states to allow Ukraine use weapons supplied by Europeans (especially long-range missiles) attacking military targets in Russiaeliminating the remaining restrictions still in force. A request that the head of Ukrainian diplomacy also addressed to the United Kingdom and the United States.

[Ucrania envía 10.000 soldados más a Kursk y embolsa a las tropas rusas al oeste del río Seim]

“We must lift restrictions on the use of weapons against Russian military targets, in accordance with international law. The weapons we supply to Ukraine must be fully used and restrictions must be lifted so that Ukrainians can reach the places from where Russia bombs them“, Borrell said. Only in this way can Moscow’s attacks on civilian infrastructure be stopped, the latest of which took place last Monday, with which Moscow intends to destroy the entire electrical infrastructure.

“It is clear that well-equipped Ukrainian forces can change the course of the war. Not only defend but also reject the invasion“, maintains the head of European diplomacy. Borrell admitted that there were still “reluctance” on the part of some member states. In this sense, he stressed that Hungary continues to block 6 billion from the European Peace Fund that should be used to finance the sending of weapons to Ukraine and committed to finding a solution to overcome this veto.

Kuleba, for his part, assured that the permit he is requesting is only intended for strike “legitimate military targets” in Russiaincluding the airfields from which Moscow launches its attacks on Ukraine. “If we have enough missiles and are allowed to attack, we will significantly reduce Russia’s ability to damage our critical infrastructure and improve the situation of our forces on the ground,” he said.

The Ukrainian foreign minister also complained about the long delay in the delivery of military equipment promised by Western allies, including Patriot batteries announced in the spring that have not yet arrived. Borrell also called on governments to send more air defense systems to kyiv.




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