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Broncano gets bored on TVE with bad jokes and an unknown first guest

This Monday he came out The revoltthe program presented by David Broncano for which TVE paid 14 million euros per season. to show which is broadcast from 9:40 p.m. to 10:50 p.m. in competition The anthill on Antena 3. The signing of Broncano, in addition to the fortune it cost the public coffers, led to the dismissal of Elena Sanchez as president of RTVE. And the obsession with Pedro Sanchez The weakening of Pablo Motos (very critical of the socialist government) has cost us revolt It’s practically the same thing as The Resistance (space that the comedian left on Movistar + after seven seasons to make the jump to general television) but much less daring. The first part was weak, with bad jokes about the Spanish royal family, about the program’s relations with Moncloa and with a guest, the surfer Aitor Francesena, not very polite for a first. Broncano will have a hard time beating The anthillknowing that Pablo Motos counterattacked with Victoria Federica like a star in the night.

It was the premiere of “La Revuelta”

After a header of reminiscences of the 80s in which Broncano walks along the Gran Vía of Madrid, the comedian entered the same theater where the Resistance was recorded, crossing and breaking posters on which words like Equality But when it was the turn of a huge Spanish flag, the presenter stopped and said: “I was about to break Spain but that’s the last thing I want to do.” The audience started screaming and the chaos was such that nothing was understood.

The program was full of comments about the fact that the program is now on TVE and, therefore, is “for everyone”, as well as its connection with Moncloa, with which they tried to make jokes. “A lot of things have been said lately that are not true. Pedro Sánchez did not put me here as if I were his stupid cousin from the city. I am not asking for 14 million euros, I have tried but all these people have to be paid. And these 14 million do not come from ALS patients. “Anyone who thinks that we are here as spokespersons for Pedro Sánchez is wrong.” Marcos Martinezpseudonym GrisonsBroncano’s regular collaborator, then showed some supposed tattoos he had done on the chests of Pedro Sánchez and Pablo Motos.

Grison, contributor to ‘La Revuelta’.

To be the same as The Resistance, The revolt It continues to sin in the same way as the original program: Broncano’s personality occupies everything. Only, he wants to be the protagonist and attract attention while pretending that he is not interested in anything or anyone.

There were also jokes against the royal family from another regular The Resistance, Jorge Ponce: “If Froilán wants to come with weapons, he can.”

A dull first guest

There was a lot of speculation about who would be the first guest of La Revuelta. Given the anticipation created, we expected someone very powerful and famous but finally it was the case. Aitor Francesenaadaptive surfing world champion.

Aitor Francesena and David Broncano in ‘La Revuelta’ (TVE).

Francesena told how he lost his sight. “I was born with congenital glaucoma, at 14 I lost my right eye, I was already surfing. Twelve years ago I fell off a wave with stitches in my eye and I burst my eye. Life goes on and being who we are, we like not only to go through it, but also to ride it.

In fact, this guest is typical of someone who would have gone to The Resistance. With this, Broncano wanted to convey the message that nothing has changed, that the program is the same.

Broncano, Moncloa and the war against Pablo Motos

A new television season begins and this year the battlefield is clear: the prime time access. Telecinco and TVE La 1 wanted to innovate in this time slot to compete with the powerful The anthill on antenna 3.

Mediaset was the first to bet with the premiere of Babylon Showprogram presented by Carlos Latre Although it started with a promising screen share of 10.1%, it declined until Monday, September 2, when Pablo Motos arrived with his new season and swept a share of 21% compared to the 6.7% that his competition had in Telecinco.

Pablo Motos, Carlos Latre and David Broncano

The revolt This is the bet of TVE’s La 1 for the prime time accessAt a cost of 14 million euros per season, the public channel (at the insistence of Moncloa) wanted to recruit David Broncano to adapt its popular The Resistance from Movistar + to the general public but, above all, to try to sink Pablo Motos, who has always been very critical of the government of Pedro Sánchez.

During the press conference to present The revolt At the FesTVal in Vitoria 2024, Broncano was the first to assure that: “I was already loaded before and the budget of the program is not only for us, hopefully, but for the whole team. “I’m just saying that I was already rich.” And regarding the political controversy, the comedian clarified that: “HThere was astonishment at how the story was distorted by partisan interests. “A lot of misinformation was said and, in the end, it’s just a TV show.”

David Broncano during the presentation of ‘La revuelta’ at FesTVal. (PHOTO: EP)

This is Broncano’s contract with TVE

The contract that RTVE offered to David Broncano and the production company El Terrat -now in the orbit of Mediapro- to broadcast the program on the public channel The Resistance The duration of the relationship between the two parties was two years at a rate of 14.07 million euros per season, or 87,900 euros per program plus VAT. The RTVE board voted in favor of it, after the former president of the public channel, Elena Sánchez, stopped its approval, which cost her her job after Moncloa forced her dismissal.

David Broncano.

The contract was for two seasons. During the first season, no court hearing is planned allowing RTVE to cancel the program if it does not reach a minimum audience share, except to reach the network average.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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