Saturday, October 12, 2024 - 3:49 am


Spain is a hoax and the PSOE its parent company. We have surrendered to the supposed genius of someone whose idea of ​​power is consubstantial with the esteem he has for himself. While he praises the benefits of those who serve him, the other power, the autocrat who calls himself Pedro Sánchez, came to government through a struggle that is today his main burden.

He plays the role of a corrupt briber who comes to put an end to corruption, a testimony of Scott Fitzgeraldwith Begoña playing Zelda; him consuming his days, after crossing the platform, in alcohol, and her, plunged into the deepest dementia, after having failed to obtain more money to live as a single woman. Which the patriotic Kirchners we have created in Moncloa is the authentic ratchet symphonya plot that leaves the Gurtelthe ERA and the pujoladas convergent like the antics of the trainees.

It seems like it was yesterday, but it was yesterday when Peter I the Bulocrat He announced population control measures, removing citizens from their homes, while he, filled with autocracy, smiled as only evil people do. It was his first totalitarian measure.

When we came out of the kidnapping, he decided that the money he had in the box was not enough to control us, so he divided the country between serfs and free people and, knowing the thoughts of the Spanish elector, he bought the old will. , practicing journalists, businessmen without a desire to sacrifice, leaders of the Ibex wishing to ally themselves with the BOE and a wealthy and uncritical population, with no other criteria than that imposed by the State for its own well-being. be. When he achieved this goal, no one was going to stop his true goal and the ultimate goal of his wet nights: maintaining power at all costs.

For that, was inspired by Goebbelsread some Gramscithey gave him grades of Laclau and concluded that, to exercise command and not leadership, it was enough for him only to make profitable the weapon of mass destruction which has always better explained politics: lies. And that was his first and last lesson to those around him. Lying as a way of life, as a method of assisted breathing and a remedy against freedom.

Moncloa became a bulocrate plant. Nothing about them is true, not even the last name they profess. Joy is a sad tostón and Montero, the lie of will rise. They have made constant denial their first commandment. Any information published which concerned a member of the Government, his team and/or his family, was immediately stopped by the ministry of propaganda (they are all) on duty and the synchronized opinion team of this palmist and submissive journalism which must one day also disappear. through the confessional.

Because the Sánchez gang is not limited to its political partners. It is also these paid journalists, the presidents of companies bought with public money, the docile elites who hug and massage them, the NGOs and unions happy with the daily plunder of the taxpayer, the university professors appointed to indoctrinate the actors and actresses of the story and other groups. .those condemned to life in prison for the business victim and the political cause. Without the collaboration of everyone and on the part of a population that is lazy in criticizing and timid in voting, nothing that the most corrupt, delinquent and immoral government in the history of Spain is doing would be possible.

Let’s not forget it. Because everyone, when the time comes to apologize for so much hoax, so much infamy and so much protection of lies, not only will they not regret it, but they will proudly wear their label of propagandists of the regime, an honorary title. of disinformation.
In Ali Baba’s flight to nowhere and his entourage, the socialist government, after having approved that bags of black money be received at the headquarters of the PSOE, received a criminal banned by the EU who brought gold bars, met visitors in Moncloa that he silenced and bought with a public budget and got rich while the Spaniards were dying of virus, creates yet another smokescreen and announces, in this constant trilerismyour intention to ban the Francisco Franco Foundationwho on the other hand gives his name to a dictator with profoundly socialist thought and action.

To do this, he relies on a party that will vote in favor of illegalization because he believes that in this way he will win the forgiveness of those who will never greet him and even less vote, without realizing that tomorrow it will be them which will be prohibited. . Because this is what a long-time socialist and gentleman thinks: to hijack freedom by eliminating the adversary, whether civil or criminal.

A nuance which allows us to understand why the calculated strategy of someone who has no more morality than his word still prevails, and his word is never worth anything. There are still those who said that they would never agree with the separatists, nor that they would not accept Bildu as a partner, that they Puigdemont would be handed over to justice or that taxes would never be increased.

There are still those who define the theft of the ERE from the unemployed as a political invention, those who continue to deny having understood Maduro’s narcodictatorship. Everything that the free media published did not exist in the bulocratic Spain of Pedro and Begoña. No means no, end of quote.

When you’ve already lied so many times, one more lie doesn’t matter. For this reason, Sánchez creates a law to combat hoaxes and he does so by announcing a hoax, in order to persecute the media that are investigating his wife and brother and to silence the truth. Because with Sánchez, the corruptor, nothing is credible since he stole his own primaries in the name of the mud that he has always represented.

He believes he is leading a democratic government, but he is only the shepherd of a flock of bulocrates, whereas, like Fitzgeraldhopes Zelda doesn’t go to prison, drowning in debt, alcohol and dementia. Boulocracy is the worst symptom of a rotten and broken regime.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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