Saturday, September 21, 2024 - 11:38 pm
HomeBreaking NewsCALL for help from a mother who cannot afford to pay for...

CALL for help from a mother who cannot afford to pay for her daughter’s rehabilitation after a heart operation

Irada Karimov, a resident of Baku, turned to the Media.Az editorial office for help. Her daughter was born with a heart defect. Although little Leyla is only 12 days old, she has already successfully undergone complex heart surgery. From the moment of her birth until now, the baby has been in the intensive care unit of a private clinic in the capital. Currently, the girl is awaiting two weeks of rehabilitation and recovery under strict supervision of doctors.

According to the child’s mother, the operation was carried out under the compulsory health insurance (ITS). The service package also included 10 days of treatment at the clinic, which ends on September 22. However, her daughter’s longer stay at the clinic will amount to 600-800 manats per day, depending on the prescribed medications. For this, it is necessary to deposit up to five thousand manats.

The problem is that the newborn’s family does not have the financial resources, so they are forced to ask for child support.

Mrs Irada told editors that the operation was carried out four days after Leyla was born.

“There is not a single photo of the baby, because from the first minutes of her life she is in the intensive care unit, where the use of the phone is not allowed. I was not shown her after birth. The doctors say that there is no reason to worry at the moment. Tomorrow they will take my daughter off the ventilator and she will breathe on her own. But now it is all about money, because we cannot afford any more treatments. way.”

Our editors urge everyone to be sensitive to the family’s plight and help newborn Leyla if possible.

Contact number: +994 51 520 89 65.

Bank card number (Banco Capital): 4169 7388 2413 8865.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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