Tuesday, September 24, 2024 - 7:51 am
HomeBreaking NewsCanary Islands ask government to implement its new "menas" protocol but Moncloa...

Canary Islands ask government to implement its new “menas” protocol but Moncloa will appeal to TC

He Government of the Canary Islands Since this Friday, it has been applying its new protocol for welcoming unaccompanied foreign migrant minors (MENAS, for its acronym) to release the migration crisisdespite the rejection of central government.

Since its entry into force in the Official Gazette, the islands no longer assume the guardianship of more minerals because they are in competition, according to the Executive chaired by Fernando Clavijo, to the state and will not accept them into their reception centers if they do not arrive properly identified and with a individualized mission at the time of delivery.

This protocol is binding for civil servants And NGO. The government of Pedro Sanchez opposed the new standard from the beginning because he understands that it could violate the fundamental rights of children in Spain.

In fact, this Monday he already announced the procedures for appealing the Constitutional CourtBut for now, “he is fulfilling it,” government sources say. Fernando Clavijo to this newspaper.

Concretely, the central government plans to raise the Council of State the request for a mandatory report to assess the possibility of eventually bringing the new protocol before the Constitutional Court.


The Canarian president, Fernando Clavijodenounced that the Police and the Civil Guard Until now, they delivered the minors “directly to NGOs, without informing the regional executive”, and this “by parcel, without identify and without the participation of the Public Prosecutor’s Office”, guarantor of children’s rights.

The Canary Islands’ miners’ network has been overwhelmed for months by the continuous arrival of boats and canoes on the islands and the island government believes “alone and abandoned”and now, after the warnings from Moncloa and its possible recourse to the TC, it “attack”.

The democratic regeneration plan presented on Tuesday by the Council of Ministers and the blocking of the reform of the immigration law demonstrate, according to Clavijo, that the archipelago “is not one of Sánchez’s priorities.”

Meanwhile, the Spanish government “respects the protocol”, even if it will appeal. “The rescue services do not hand over a single unidentified minor”, explain sources close to the Canary Islands government.

Illegal immigration

Precisely this Monday Home office published its latest report on illegal immigration. So far this year, 26,758 people in an irregular situation have arrived in the Canary Islands, 12,304 more than in the same months of 2023, which represents an increase of 85.1%.

A total of 37,970 immigrants entered Spain by sea and land during these nine months, 12,499 more than in the same period last year, representing an increase of 49%.




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