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Candidates expect more speed and transparency from recruiters

It doesn’t go fast enough for your liking. Executives want tighter hiring deadlines. This follows a study by the Association for the Employment of Executives (APEC) on the expectations of executives in terms of hiring, published on May 28. More than half expect a response to their application in less than three weeks and expect to receive feedback, even brief ones, from the recruiter two weeks after a job interview.

This is far from the case. “The average duration of the hiring process is twelve weeks, specifies Pierre Lamblin, director of APEC studies. Nine weeks passed in 2019 before the health crisis. This can be explained by tensions in the labor market, where companies have difficulty finding candidates. What they want above all is transparency and readability. »

They want to have as much information as possible before the interview (the job description, the salary – this mention will be mandatory from 2026 onwards – the different stages of the selection process, the number of interviews, your interlocutors, follow-up of candidacy, etc.). However, they often only get them after a first meeting, which can be a waste of time for both the candidate and the company.

Still, “Mentalities are changing. Companies have become aware of this need of transparency and they are working on itsays Flavien Chantrel, Editorial Director of HelloWork, a digital player in employment and recruitment, because, for candidates, navigating the unknown is uncomfortable and the less informed you are, the longer the time seems.”.

According to HelloWork figures, in 2024, one in two applicants say they will receive a response to their application, up from just 26% in 2016. On the other hand, in 2022, only 16% of recruiters consistently send progress of hiring. process to candidates. 28% of them are doing it this year.

A new recommendation

So how can you save time? When Emeline Brice, 27, who works in a human resources (HR) department, wanted to leave Lyon to return to Paris, she used “circular recruitment”, a method she already used in her position in Lyon. Result: in one month she was hired as HR manager at Dipeeo (outsourced data protection delegation), “and this in mid-August, she specifies. I had two video sessions and then a physical meeting with the teams. Forty-eight hours later I received an offer.”

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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