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Carlos Mazón advances with his tax cuts and ignores Vox for the rest of his first year at the head of the Generalitat

190 minutes. This is the time used by the president of the Generalitat Valenciana, Carlos Mazonfor his speech in his first general policy debate, in which he criticised the legacy received from the left, put forward his tax reduction project and took stock of his first year at the head of the Consell.

In this review, the head of the Consell ignored Vox, which until two months ago was part of its executive. Those of Santiago Abascal They unilaterally broke all the coalitions they had with the PP under the pretext that they were welcoming unaccompanied foreign minors.

Mazón made little reference to his former government partner when he highlighted the “joint work.” This omission angered Vox’s parliamentary spokesperson, Jose Maria Llanoswho, after listening to the president’s first speech, admitted his “surprise”.

“During the more than three hours that the President of the Generalitat’s speech lasted, he did not mention Vox once, despite the fact that the projects mentioned in two thirds of his speech were the result of the work carried out with us,” said Llanos.

In fact, the Vox bench did not applaud during Mazón’s long speech. Neither when he showed his chest about the measures they jointly approved, nor when he criticized the policy of the Executive of Ximo Puig.

This coldness in relations between those who were partners in the government has not gone unnoticed, especially since Mazón governs with a parliamentary minority, so he will need the support of at least one other group to carry out his projects and initiatives.

Mazón at the end of his speech during the general policy debate this Wednesday

Efe/Biel Aliño


The most important, the budgets of the Generalitat Valenciana for 2025, whose future is still unknown due to the red lines and conditions of Vox.

In the afternoon, responding in turn to Vox, the head of the Consell confessed that he was “sad” that Vox had left the Consell and that he was “hopeful” of being able to reach an agreement on the accounts. To define the new “relationship phase” between the two parties, he used the word “constructive”.

“We have governed for a year and I am proud of what we have done together, although it is obvious that we do not share many things,” Mazón told the spokesperson for Vox, whom he thanked for “the tone and content” of his intervention.

Tax reduction

Mazón devoted much of his speech to talking about the past, but he also presented his roadmap for next year, with 30 announcements.

He advanced his tax cut with new deductions related to birth and adoption.

In his first year in office, he virtually eliminated the estate and gift tax and approved a package of tax deductions for health and sports expenses.

This new tax reduction provides, as explained this Wednesday, to double and even triple the deductions for children and adoptions for incomes of 30,000 euros in individual declarations and 47,000 in joint declarations.

President Mazón y Muñoz (PSPV) participates in the general policy debate

José Cuéllar/Corts Valencianes

Thus, the deduction for birth or adoption increases from 300 to 600 euros if it is the first child, to 750 if it is the second and to 900 euros from the third.

He also announced the freezing of the water bill fee for 2025, the elimination of port taxes on fishing boats, a 60% reduction in real estate transfer taxes for agricultural properties and the specific bonus of 50% of the tax corresponding to documented legal acts associated with projects of autonomous interest.

Among their promises, they also highlighted the launch of a “new Imserso” to promote domestic tourism for those over 65, the construction of more than 1,500 sheltered housing units and the protection by law of free education between 0 and 3 years old, among others.

Against Sanchez

He also raised his voice against the Sánchez government, which he said had abandoned the people of Valencia, Alicante and Castellón. “The only response from Pedro Sánchez and his 22 ministers to the problems of the Valencian Community has been indifference, forgetfulness and mockery,” he criticised in a speech he gave in Spanish and Valencian.

Mazón denounced the tax agreement for Catalonia and once again demanded a reform of the regional financing system that “punishes” the Valencians and “condemns them to receive 233 euros less per inhabitant than the average.”

Carlos Mazón in the general policy debate

José Cuéllar/Corts Valencianes


In this sense, he insisted on the urgency of creating a temporary leveling fund, endowed with 1,782 million euros. He also advocated debt restructuring, but did not consider it a priority and rejected “fixes” from the central government.

“I will not demand supremacist privileges, quotas or singularities, but rather what suits us, the law in hand,” he added.

The head of the Consell then launched an appeal for unity with the rest of the forces. “There are more things that unite us than what separates us,” he said, reaching out to the rest of the political parties to “form a common front to demand the funding, infrastructure and water that the Valencian Community needs.”


The tone of the opposition was not conciliatory either. The PSPV-PSOE and Compromís denounced Mazón’s “furious attack” against Botanical and that he dedicated himself to being an “opposition” to Pedro Sánchez.

The socialist mediator, Jose Muñozdishonored the president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, for leading a “failed” government, which “depends on the decisions of the national leadership of the Popular Party of Genoa” and on the “racist blackmail” of Abascal.

He also criticized Mazón for his “content-free” advertisements and called them “mazonadas.”

The socialist bench during the debate

José Cuéllar/Corts Valencianes


For his part, the Compromís Mediator, Joan Baldovicompared Mazón’s “three hours and ten minutes” speech with those of the former president and president of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez and Nicolas Maduro“If you had to sum it up in one sentence, it would be: the president doesn’t have a grandmother,” he said.

According to him, Mazón focused on “opposing the opposition” and the government, in addition to uttering “many lies and half-truths.”

Inheritance received

The president began his speech, in Valencian, by appealing to “ambition” to achieve a “better future” for the Valencian Community.

Then, for two hours, he took stock of the legacy received and the management of his government. during your first 60 weeks“We are in a situation that goes beyond the worst scenarios we could imagine,” he said, while criticizing that “eight years gives rise to a lot of incompetence.”

In this regard, he highlighted the reduction in political spending, with fewer elected officials and senior civil servants than the executive. Ximo Puig; the reduction of the deficit from 3,800 million euros to the 3,000 it plans to achieve before the end of 2024; and the reduction of taxes for the middle and lower classes.

According to him, the tax reform “which most benefited the rich was carried out by Botanical“by removing inheritance tax on companies with a value of more than ten million euros.” Even if they repeat this lie, no deduction for acquiring Lamborghinibut to buy glasses, play sports or go to the dentist,” he defended himself.

Carlos Mazón during the general policy debate

Efe/Biel Aliño


In this sense, he assured that before Botanical Each Valencian paid an average of more than 1,999 euros in taxes and ended up paying 2,637 euros. With the decrease approved by his executive, according to Mazón, Valencians have saved a total of 199 million euros.

In terms of health management, he stressed that the first decision of the “Consell del Cambio” was to inject 55 million euros strengthen primary and surgical care. “Those who came to rescue the people left behind the worst health care in the history of our autonomous government,” Mazón criticized.

“And what is the result of this decision? That the waiting list of priority I patients has been reduced by almost 60%, from 2,967 people in June 2023 to 1,058 this year,” the president said.

Regarding education, he considered that “in the last eight years there has been a lack of management and an abundance of doctrine, and where 60 weeks later there is management, there is rigor, there is efficiency and there is freedom.”

He argued that one of the biggest propaganda campaigns of the Botanical It was the Edificant Plan in which only 2 euros out of 10 were dedicated to building schools. “It wasn’t Agilizant, it was Enganyant. It wasn’t Convivint, it was Enganyant. It wasn’t Edificant, it was always Enganyant,” Mazón retorted.

In this course, as detailed by the head of the Consell, “music has returned to the classrooms of the Valencian Community and the hours of mathematics and languages ​​have been increased, at no additional cost.”




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