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HomeLatest NewsCastejón City Hall responds to criticism regarding the football field

Castejón City Hall responds to criticism regarding the football field

Castejón, a Navarrese municipality which has experienced a very delicate economic situation over the last few years. Today, it is again at the center of controversy. During the last legislature, governed by United Left (IU)the city finds itself in a situation of bankruptcy who left the institutions without the ability to meet basic payments such as municipal employee payroll .

He The current government team has launched a harsh response to the accusations recently launched by IU, particularly regarding the construction of the football fielda broken promise from the previous legislature.

In the press release published by the Castejon town hallled by UPNdirectly accuses United Left for having left the municipality in an unsustainable economic situation. The current municipal government denounces the fact that, under the administration of the IU, not only municipal projects have remained unfinished, but also that important economic losses which must now be managed by the new team.

Among the main accusations, the town hall emphasizes that the sports complex maintenance cost amounted to more than 600,000 eurosalthough it was initially anticipated that it would be zero euros according to the feasibility study commissioned by IU.

Likewise, they emphasize that the municipal residence management also generated an annual cost of more than a million euroswhich is equivalent to 32,000 euros per usera figure which, according to the town hall, is not tenable.

These expenses, as well as the lack of maintenance on the municipal electrical installationswhich have not been revised for more than 20 years, reflect, according to the UPN, a mismanagement which left Castejón with multiple problems to resolve.

Broken promises: the football field that never happened

One of the most critical points of the debate is the construction of football field of artificial grass, a promise that United Left he did this during his term and it never came to fruition. At the time, IU justified the delay in constructing the field by claiming that lack of fundsa problem that the current UPN government is determined to resolve.

In the press release, the UPN points out that after taking control of the municipal council, they had to request a cash credit of 700,000 euros to cover unpaid bills from the previous IU government. Although they acknowledge that the football field project has faced delays, they say they have managed to get it done. more progress in one year this UI in the eight years who were in power.

The current government team is working to find alternatives public and private financing to carry out the football field project, which they consider essential for the development of sport in Castejón. However, the economic legacy they received makes it difficult to immediately implement plans.

Criticism of the management of solar panels and the lack of subsidies

Another point of conflict between the two parties is the use of funds generated by the solar panels installed in the community. The UPN assures that these funds will be allocated to municipal projects, but they warn that they have not yet received these revenues due to the User interface managementwho is accused of having boycotted said fund during his mandate.

Furthermore, the current government denounces United Left failed to properly manage an electricity subsidy 100,000 euros this was lost, which, according to the UPN, was not communicated to the new team when it took control of City Hall. For UPN, this type of mismanagement and the lack of transparency on the part of the previous government team is what led Castejón to the current complicated financial situation.

The evaluation report and personal accusations

The UPN also responded to IU’s criticism of the Presentation of the evaluationa file which was waiting to be approved by the plenary session when they left power. According to UPN, the said file contained errors already corrected and pending. public exhibition phase. Furthermore, the current government team criticizes the fact that IU uses personal attacks against municipal employees and the legal team, accusing members of the left-wing group of spreading disinformation And lies on the salaries and contracts of civil servants.

In this sense, the UPN defends the hiring of the legal advisor, stressing that it was hint to consolidate significant revenues and manage the complicated finances of the municipality. They insist that their hiring was advantageous price and that their work allowed us to reduce costs and improve the economic management of the municipality.

A call for collaboration

Finally, the UPN statement calls United Left so that instead of lie And misinformwork in a way constructive for the good of the citizens of Castejón. They insist they are open to criticism and dialogue, but they will no longer tolerate lies this could continue to harm coexistence and municipal management.

The future of Castejon seems marked by a complicated economic situation, but the current UPN team continues to work for raise the municipality and resolve problems that they believe were inherited from a mismanagement by the previous United Left government.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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