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HomeLatest NewsCatalan Interior Minister considers Granollers urban guerrilla workshop "intolerable"

Catalan Interior Minister considers Granollers urban guerrilla workshop “intolerable”

The Minister of the Interior and Public Security of the Generalitat, Nuria Parlondescribed as “intolerable” the Molotov cocktail workshop that took place last Tuesday, August 27, as part of the main festival in the city of Granollers (Barcelona).

In a note sent by his department, according to Parlon, “this activity spoils the playful and festive character that an event as important as the festival of a city or a village should have. incitement to violence“.

In parallel, and as explained yesterday, the Mossos d’Esquadra body is carrying out the timely police actions transfer the events that occurred to the judicial and tax authorities.

The councilor’s words respond to the request made by the police unions and by political parties such as PP and Vox, demanding that the political leaders of the force publicly condemn what happened. The parties and unions had also asked Mayor Alba Barnusell resignswhose city council, led by the PSC with an absolute majority, claimed to have no knowledge of the “urban guerrilla workshop”, although it was part of the festival’s programming.

In his note, Parlon defends “with energy” the work and the task of the police of the Generalitat-Mossos d’Esquadra, as well as those of the rest of the forces and security agencies as civil servants, always at the service of citizens. “The police force is a fundamental pillar and guarantor of a democratic society“Only from the security that they guarantee that we can enjoy the rest of the rights and freedoms,” says Parlon. “It is intolerable that a workshop encourages violent practices on the part of children,” adds the facilitator.

In the same note, Interior emphasizes that although freedom of expression is one of the constitutional rights and therefore an object of protection, and guarantees the right of any person to “express themselves critically towards a police action or an institution”, it is that “also defend that this criticism cannot be read as a incitement to any type of violence“.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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