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Catalan quota, Venezuela and Tezanos and last minute of the Congress of Deputies today

Continue live THE Government monitoring session Today, Wednesday, September 11, when the report on compliance with the House budget will be made public, the creation of a subcommittee will be debated and the recognition of Edmundo González as the winner of the elections in Venezuela will be voted on.


Anger in Congress after Catalan concert: “Don’t take the Spanish for fools”

The Minister of the Presidency and Justice, Félix Bolaños, read an excerpt from a document in which he describes a new single financing system for Catalonia and asked. “Does this seem like fiscal separatism to you? Yeah? Well, it’s the electoral program of the Popular Party of Catalonia in 2012.” The PP, for its part, accused the Government of “breaking equality and solidarity” with the fiscal agreement reached with the ERC. “Don’t take the Spanish for fools by saying that this quota benefits Catalonia and the rest of the partners,” said Manuel Cobo Vega.


Government defends Zapatero and asks PP to apologize: “You looked very badly”

The Minister of the Presidency and Justice, Félix Bolaños, defended former President José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero and urged the PP to apologize for its criticism of the socialist. “You had a very bad image, but the government made a good impression with democracy and with Venezuela,” Bolaños said. At the same time, he defended that the government’s position is the same as that of the European Union and insisted on requesting the electoral records of the July 28 elections.


Junts accuses the government of lying with the Catalan concert: “Either Madrid has power, or Catalonia has it”

Miriam Nogueras, spokesperson for Junts, accused the government of lying with the singular financing agreed for Catalonia since, according to her, “collecting and sending money from the Catalans to the Spanish treasury is neither an agreement, nor a power, nor a possession.” the key to the box. He also warned the Minister of Finance that “if she wants different results” she must do “different things.” “Either Madrid has the power, or Catalonia has it,” he concluded.


Bravo (PP), to Montero: “Do not threaten the regional presidents”

The deputy secretary of Economy of the PP, Juan Bravo, accused the head of the Treasury of threatening the presidents of the autonomous communities with the financing system. “A minister convinces, does not threaten,” the popular deputy reproached María Jesús Montero, while dishonoring the Executive for only moving the model “when it needs an investiture.” “If you want the autonomous communities to confront each other and commercialize public services, I can tell you: we are not going to allow it,” he warned the first vice president.


Government control session begins with Montero accusing PP of financing

The government control session begins in Congress with the first vice president of the government and Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, calling the PP a “machine for generating social injustice and territorial confrontation.”


After the plenary session, appearance of the President of the IEC, José Félix Tezanos

The president of the Center for Sociological Research (CIS), José Félix Tezanos, appears this Wednesday before the Constitutional Commission of the Congress at the request of the PP to report the “clear partisan bias” that, according to the “popular”, the institute’s investigations have.


Double defeat for the government on its first day back in Congress

Yesterday, the Executive saw how the PNV joined the opposition so that Congress would recognize Edmundo González as the elected president of Venezuela – the vote will be made official today; how the Council of Spokespersons approved the appearance of the President of the Government himself to report on the immigration crisis with the votes of the PP, Vox and the Unión del Pueblo Navarro (UPN); and how the Canarian Coalition (CC) and the popular forces, tired of waiting, single-handedly concluded a pact on immigration to which they encouraged Moncloa to adhere. Inform Juan Casillas.


Hello! Follow with us live the plenary session of the Congress of Deputies in which the PP’s non-law proposal (PNL) to recognize Edmundo González as president-elect of Venezuela will be voted on and the government control session will take place.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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